
Well, when you back up your argument with such well-reasoned arguments like random personal attacks, you’ve fully convinced me! You really come off as educated and mature, the picture of a person who should be passing judgement on others.

I assume you don’t smile in person either. Because if you have to use something other than the absolutely correct English language to convey your point, it’s your limited vocabulary to blame.

The fact that you’re making the argument in point 2 proves my point exactly. We’re talking about tone and emotion here, what a person types to show that they’re smiling or angry or sad or excited, not which letter is emphasized. When you have such laser focus on grammar that all else falls by the wayside, you lose

Some of the comments here surprise me - people are acting so pompous about their own choice to use proper grammar and punctuation in texts as if that makes them smarter, more thoughtful, or overall better than those that understand tone and nuance in writing as well as in speech.

Someone who is truly intellectual would not be offended by this. What they’re saying is that a period in a text has come to convey a tone, much like your own voice. Someone who is so obsessed with grammar that they can’t understand the concept of nuance and tone conveyed by various punctuation and spelling variations

This is a pointless article.

Now playing

Hey, all you people who so confidently proclaim that you can’t imagine how anyone could ever like Chipotle and it’s not real food:

Well, at least you got one thing right - you’re not succeeding in the tear-down attempts.

You know it doesn’t get more true the harder you say it. I have to admire the dedication to tearing other people down for no discernible reason, though. Good effort!

Oh, so you got nothing. Thanks for playing!

Well, when you put it that way..........

And you can google the score every few minutes for the Super Bowl, so why do you need cable? That’s equivalent to what you’re saying.

You have every right to be upset. I’m not trying to stop you.

Or if our society was designed to wake up with the sun.

Or if our society was designed to wake up with the sun.

I don’t know if you’re looking for advice, but I had to go off-insurance to get affordable birth control - I use some brand that’s on Wal-Mart’s list of 9 dollars a month prescriptions. I think insurance is supposed to with Obamacare cover at least one brand of birth control but I’m not fighting that fight right now.

Remember last year when they talked shit because one of Obama’s daughters wasn’t appropriately “respectful” of the turkey pardoning? The one that they disapproved of??

At the same time, when you adhere to the “JUST LEAN IN AND TRY HARDER TO FIX THE PROBLEM” strain of advice, you diminish all women who truly did feel like they had no options. Women who truly did doubt themselves, that truly did fear ostracization or blowback from making a big deal out of “nothing”. When you say “you s

Just read body language. If they don’t seem receptive to talking to you, back off. It’s not that difficult, really, and basically everyone can suss out pretty quickly if someone is interested in a conversation. If she’s answering with one-word, flat answers, not making eye contact, and moving away from you, she has no

Okay, deep breaths. For someone who dislikes trolls so much, you sure are acting far more vicious.

I too enjoy pricing human beings out of bodily functions.