It makes me so sad how people judge these things so hard. It’s the appropriate way to get all Mean Girl about what people like, without being outed as judgy and outright mean.
It makes me so sad how people judge these things so hard. It’s the appropriate way to get all Mean Girl about what people like, without being outed as judgy and outright mean.
I think what people are telling you is that behind what you see on the surface is maybe a deeper reason.
I am super glad you cleared this up two years later.
Uh. Did you really just compare women’s sports to the Special Olympics?
A lot of people don’t even notice the low-level sexism that runs through the lives of basically all women. They only see discrimination as someone looking them straight in the eyes and saying “I am doing this because you are a woman.”
I think you can’t tell the difference between pointing out a symptom of societal imbalance and demanding that it be solved by a commanding law. It’s a pretty common mistake for people that don’t think too critically - very black and white. Either everything is the way it is now, or we pass a law forcing everyone to…
This is a true statement that is irrelevant to what I said.
I’m not sure why you asked then, since you knew what I was saying and knew that it’s a common comparison to make.
I’s a pretty common comparison. Fur babies, etc. Most people with beloved pets think of them as their children.
It’s the difference between acknowledging the reality of a situation even if you think it “shouldn’t” be that way and putting on blinders because you don’t want it to be that way. You don’t think people should treat him like a role model, and he wasn’t hired to be a role model, so he’s not. I acknowledge what actually…
I didn’t say he was hired to be a role model. Nowhere did I say that. You’re saying that to try to make my views easier to refute.
And lots of Americans deserve the same scorn. And then Brady gets extra scorn for not just owning up to it, especially when he knows that he’s a role model for a lot of people.
I’m pretty sure people don’t start loving their kids after they move out.
I mean, you can ask that about children too. It’s the same connection. It may not be a rational debts/credits scenario where they say “well he destroyed a 50 dollar box we bought to keep him out and 30 dollars worth of food but he gave us 80 dollars worth of laughs and love in the last week...”
The Bieber hate started loooong before he started revealing himself as a jerk, and extends faaar beyond it.
I think he has a point, actually. I read Bears’ comment the same way Vin did, and while I can see how it could have been meant as “Justin’s face looks like a butt”, it definitely reads as “Justin is so terrible that I would rather take a picture of (insert dumb thing I can always take pictures of) than him”, and thus…
You have established why it’s a rule, and have established that, because it is a rule, it generally should not be broken.
This is dumb.
PSA: Using the tool Firebug, any person can edit any page locally and take a screenshot of it, making it look completely legitimate.