You didn’t say it wasn’t effective dieting. You called people stupid for doing it. So, even by your own standards you’re acting like an ass. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You didn’t say it wasn’t effective dieting. You called people stupid for doing it. So, even by your own standards you’re acting like an ass. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
She said nothing about effects. That’s an entirely different conversation. Her in-between complaint was solely about people eating something they’re trying to avoid, but in a way that’s at least marginally healthier - once again, she drew the comparison to scooping a bagel which no one can argue makes the bagel more…
I don’t know about “most people”, but I’m aware from talking about this issue with many people that it’s at least not uncommon. I didn’t say “most people” as a matter of fact; I find it highly arrogant to assume that I have intimate knowledge of the mindset of most people. All I said is that the disdain of in-between…
That’s not what she said. That’s a nuanced, thoughtful paragraph. What Charlotte said was not that at all. Scooping a bagel is not changing the essential nature of the bagel, there’s just less of it, and that was her example of “ridiculous inbetween nonsense”. She said nothing about processing of tortillas vs. bread,…
Real talk: the disdain of “in-between shit” is often why people binge on diets. “I’m already eating unhealthy with my entree, might as well get the potato skins too - none of this in-between shit, that’s ridiculous!”
Nah, don’t worry, your idea is the clichéd norm, not some brave stand for articulate speech. You will never have to worry about being “radical” or “thoughtful” on your opinion.
How is “I think the United States should stay out of Iranian affairs” any less comprehensible than “I think that, like, the United States should, um, stay out of Iranian affairs, you know?” Because if you can’t get the meaning from the second sentence, I think that one’s on you.
But you’re not talking about a person who tried to be derivative but didn’t know enough about the video to do it right; you literally talked about the possibility that she doesn’t know enough to know that she’s being derivative, which implies that she should know more about K-Pop whether or not she thinks she’s…
Make the heard have his face superimposed on it. Bonus: it’s creepy!
I didn’t say that in any way, shape, or form. Thanks for playing though!
Do you believe that dousing someone in water that they didn’t ask for is not okay in all situations? What about if the person is on fire?
Not from what I saw, but there was a lot of screaming and she was just saying “No” a lot - it’s possible during the “we all have to jump, take this parachute!” she said no to the jumping which comes out as her saying no to the parachute.
Do you have an instance in which a police officer was screamed at while taking down a violent criminal, resulting in a failure to take down the criminal and injuries? Or are you just making this up as a hypothetical situation that hasn’t happened and will likely happen to one cop every 80 years to justify the…
I’m a super cautious driver, especially when turning left on a flat green. I don’t like doing it and I wait until I have more than enough room to bother. The other day I was trying to turn and the person behind me was getting impatient. When I finally found a spot I found acceptable I started to turn, only to realize…
Damn this is snarky as hell. Just because you find people forcibly changing their eating habits for one another polite doesn’t mean it necessarily is. You really should stop trying to imply that people who don’t act the way you want are inherently rude.
Uh....a lot of things are death traps if your definition of “death trap” is “infants using it unsupervised may result in a dead infant”. Pretty sure my immediate “whaaaaaat??” reaction was solely due to the fact that the majority of people define that phrase as much more than that - namely, that it’s common for adult…
“Your brother was a good substitute for you”
Notice how I never used any absolutes. There are exceptions to every rule.
No, he literally is anti-Jezebel. He twisted a post about AskMen talking about daddy issues into a post about how much he dislikes Jezebel.
When did I say it was wrong to want to know? I made the comment because people were saying “this doesn’t look like a verb so it must be a noun”, using English as the base, when the word isn’t English.