
I’m 22 and in this ugly phase where teenagers call me old and all my coworkers tell me I don’t know anything because I have no life experience.

Even as a teen I always thought that. Everyone says “being a teen is so hard, no one understands me!” and I would sit there thinking “except for people who have been teens before, so that means everyone in the world.”

You do not understand jokes. The point was that Williams is talking to our readers, who are mostly women, and calling them all “grandma” no matter their age because they are too old to understand her life.

I did the same thing at 16. I don’t judge myself for letting my irrational teen brain be convinced that I was just more mature than most teens and that’s why an older man was interested in me. I do judge the older man for not reining me in and rejecting my advances because there has to be something wrong with a 23

Oh, so what you were actually saying a month ago was "don't change your restaurant completely on Yelp reviews", a 100% completely different thing than "Yelp only has power over restaurants that give it to them". I see. Glad you changed your tune to something more reasonable!


1. Yes, and the RFRA in Indiana is representative of my beliefs because I live in Indiana. What's that? Government decisions often don't reflect the needs and wants of the people, despite being part of the people? Shocking!

The tax isn't making healthy food cheaper than junk food. It's making junk food more expensive.

Listen, I'm no economist. I never claimed my off-the-top-of-my-head solutions are the right ones.

"These people can't get to grocery stores that have extensive healthy offerings, and can't afford to buy the ones that are there, and are therefore getting sick! What's our solution, boys?"

This is one thing I love about fighting over text/chat. First of all, despite being hard to read tone in text, it's much easier to say "you said that really meanly" without any kind of evidence or reasoning when it's people talking. Plus so many times we've disagreed on what happened and we can always go back and

Most people think they're almost always correct in what they're arguing. If they didn't think that, they wouldn't be arguing it.

You're conflating "BJs are gross to me" and "BJs are objectively gross, even when other women are doing them". What most women mean when they say "BJs are gross" is the former, while you assume it's the latter unless it's a person who has personally explained their reasoning to you and you have deemed it "acceptable".

So, it follows they should advertise to the women, not the men. The assumption is sexist in layered ways: not only is it only women who want kitchens, but only men who spend money on them (because women can't buy their own kitchens). And only married people that buy kitchens.

I think my mom thinks I'm some kind of nympho. No matter what I say I'm doing with my boyfriend she always implies it's code for having sex.

It might be, but that's not what she's referring to. Taco Bell just announced a new breakfast taco, the Biscuit Taco, which is replacing the Waffle Taco as its main breakfast item.

Because I have compassion for people who are in different places than I am when it comes to their faith. It's actually pretty easy to have affinity with people who exist in a different life path than you, once you acknowledge that they're not idiots who need unsolicited advice and hand-holding, but people in their own

It's not really about what the post is about, but the comment. If I had seen someone blithely telling women in the WBC to just leave I would react the same way, yes.

I'm an atheist. This is not a defensive comment because I feel attacked. This is a reminder that the faith of others is complex, multifaceted, both personal and political, and is intertwined in many different ways with a person's life. It's never as simple as "the church says birth control is a sin and I don't believe

Next time you feel you can reduce someone's faith into a two sentence post with advice on how that person should interact with it...don't.