
Yes it was a compliment! Usually these things end in doubling down and then not responding any further.

Wow I'm impressed by your willingness to realize you were being silly. 10/10.

But his show just wasn't funny. If one ethnic minority isn't funny then does that mean that there's no demand for ethnic minorities?

Not all locations do. Especially if you live in the UK.

I think a lot of people are taking this advice way too literally. They're the kind of people that you had to add int he backpacking disclaimer for, but even so they're still taking it too literally. It doesn't mean take the first job offered to you, if there's potential for a better one. It doesn't mean accepting the

If you say so dear.

This article is about a woman who asked a genuine question, who didn't even make an argument, and got told to plug her vagina with her fingers, called a cunt, called a "silly bitch", and on and on and on. How in the world is this women feeling entitled to anything? Entitled to ask a question on the internet without

Maybe if we're lucky it will be military?

That's not quite their system though because you can change around as much as you want after that first random roommate. Plenty of my friends switched dorms and moved off-campus. What year did you graduate?? I feel like Jez has more than its fair share of South Bend survivors...

That duck is going for the eyes.

Excellent punnage

She means mini-bosses. In general. People are so nitpicky, god.

Interesting take. I guess women are the only one that can die from something that's not actually a medical definition under your definition.

I went to Portillo's the other day for the second time and was BAFFLED by that. Wtf?

I don't actually order coffee from anywhere. But if I heard someone say it, I would assume coffee with nothing else in it. Just coffee.

What is your definition of "medical condition" and how does it not meet said definition?

I'm sure you know as well as I that some of the women who "prefer sex without condoms" actually just find it easier. Which is to say that it allows people to avoid what often becomes a confrontation.

So they're taking the pill because they're afraid their partner might abuse them. Or because their partner is abusing them.

Investigate the Planned Parenthoods near is what I would suggest; I couldn't go to the health center at my college because it was Catholic but the local Planned Parenthood didn't have a sliding income scale for BC so I had to drive half an hour to the next closest ones. I didn't have insurance at the time so I

So unless science studies your body specifically and determines what caused your cancer, no one can ever be flippant about a study that is likely going to misinterpreted and used as scaremongering for years to come? Wow, this article just brings out all the crazy commenters.