
They're going to argue that you don't have to say it, you just have to stand. The Jez article implies that it has to do with saying it as well, but the original article doesn't. I have a vague memory of it being okay to require kids to stand but not to say it; of course I can't source a vague memory.

I was googling a phone number that called me to see if it was a scammer. One of the posts on the site said "don't answer the phone! When you answer they put viruses on your smartphone!!!"

Welcome to the United States, where our solution to everything is punishment until they fly straight. Nevermind that children act out due to problems in their home lives, nevermind that at that age there's still plenty of hope for redemptive efforts in their life to solve the underlying problems that are causing them

I am miserable over the fact that Japanese McDonald's has an egg burger and American McDonald's doesn't.

Maybe he feels like he should look out for her as a family friend. I hang out with seven year olds sometimes - it's not because I have the mentality of a seven year old, but because he's a family friend and I like looking out for him.

To be fair (not that I'm defending trying to wake up the kid, just the hacking), this isn't a baby monitor. This is a webcam. Hacking into it may yield baby; it may also yield results far more interesting than sleeping baby.

Because these aren't baby monitors, they're webcams that people use as baby monitors sometimes.

Part of the reason Amazon is so cheap is that pretty much all the time you're giving up some of your privacy by shopping there, so they make money off of your visits. That's part of the deal; you get whatever you need cheap and fast even if it's not near you, they get information to advertise better. She could have

I am an outsider. I can't stand running and have never once had the urge to attend or participate in any running activities. That doesn't mean I'm ignorant of the fact that a highly organized event probably has specific rules as to how the tickets are distributed - this is true of all hobbies. There's really no excuse

It "sells out" in the sense that there are only so many bibs available, not that they count everyone that gets on the track. So the fact that they have duplicate bibs means that no one got left out.

I don't know, the "I didn't know that was the rule because I didn't bother to read the rules of the thing I wanted to do" excuse doesn't fly with me.

The proper response to the misunderstanding of an internet comment is self-flagellation, obviously. Anything less and you're just being rude; don't even think about not caring that much one way or the other! That's death penalty worthy.

He didn't deliver advertising circulars?

A lot of people actually are interested in past attitudes towards various things.

Often it's not a matter of "being polite", it's a matter of not knowing what to say in the moment. I'm not witty enough to come up with responses on the fly, and to be honest if my response was a generic "mind your own business" I wouldn't reproduce it on the internet because no one would really benefit from hearing it

I'm not too confused by it - I mean, carrot cake exists.

You make me want to go fuck 20 random guys and describe it to you in detail since it upsets you so much.

Is that really only press-related? I'm an English major and scuffle regularly with my professors because I forget to do it in papers.

Somehow I can imagine this.

This is amazing. I would kill to have you write a kinja post on what it was like going from one to the other and have it shared to Groupthink.