
You must have a pretty low standard for "so upset" if that's what you consider my comment. Did you seriously think I legitimately was requesting that you personally come kill me under certain conditions?

Not all sexual assault is rape, dear. I used that term for a reason - the only reason my hypothetical dealt with rape specifically is that the term rapist is easier to use than man who sexually assaulted someone.


I have a friend that is really desperate for a girlfriend, to the point that he's seriously considering women halfway around the world despite his wish for physical companionship/intimacy. Every time I see or hear him talk about it, I can't help but think of the years he wasted chasing this girl through high school

Wow, I'm not sure I'd want to be with a guy that's agonizing so hard over the "rules of dating" that it's Thursday and he wants to ask me out but oh noooo it's too late so he waits a week. If I ever get someone asking me out and I'm so stuck on the rules of dating that I refuse them because of some underlying

About "what girls like"...imagine taking Chie to what you think girls like. You take her to a romantic comedy - she's pissed because the latest Dragon Kung-fu Master movie just came out and she wanted to see it. You take her to a chocolate cafe - she's sad because there's a steak place next door that would have cost

False analogy, I never said doing everything illegal is fine because she's a woman. Nice try though! I give you 3/10 troll points - you tempted me, I admit it.

Have you ever ridden with a driver and chewed them out for being unsafe for changing the radio? Let me guess, you drive with no sound, no passengers because distractions mean you're not paying full attention, never with food or drink and never with directions. You meditate for 20 minutes before each drive to make sure

I actually read the entire comment section before I left a comment myself, as I usually do with all articles, and the vast majority of them gloss over the man's actions and focus on what the woman did wrong. Just stating "the comparison isn't fair" doesn't actually make it unfair, you know - you have to like, make

I think it's even more important that you step in, because these men are obviously sexist to begin with, which means when a woman steps in, it doesn't give them pause. They probably just think "bitches" and move on. But when a man, who is more respected in their eyes steps in, they're more likely to think "hey, maybe

You can't see her eyes, so what makes you say they weren't on the road? The fact that the camera is often not on what she's trying to film exactly is proof that she's not turning around and staring at him, but occasionally glancing at it to readjust much like you would glance at a GPS, a radio, a cupholder, a pack of

She was turning in half a mile and the right lane had semis in it. You know, sometimes there are ways you can get answers to these questions: did you try reading the video description or searching out any more information whatsoever? Or did you just ask a question that you thought would be a rhetorical "gotcha!"

"I'm wrong and it was impossible for her to do what I consider courteous but I'm still going to talk about how discourteous it is to do what she did." For real?

I drive an SUV, I know from experience that you are wrong. Sorry! Insert coin(s) to try again.

You are responding very earnestly to an obvious troll.

Sharing what's already been written on other GM sites is mostly terrible for Jezebel readers, because most other GM sites are populated with a great deal of misogynistic dicksores so the conversation on Gawker is going to be vastly different than the conversation on Jez. I have no idea Jalopnik's culture but I'm

You do realize you slow down by taking your foot off of the gas too, right? You think that he really had to press the brakes at 60mph to slow down, not just ease up off the gas just enough to drop down 5mph to her speed? When was the last time you weren't in traffic on a highway, had to slightly slow down, and

Shocker: comment section turning itself inside out to blame the woman and find something wrong the woman has done, while ignoring the man that was tailgating her for several minutes and is on video not looking at the road for a full 15 seconds. How interesting. For a rehash of this comment section, see comment

I love it when people pass judgment without even the most basic information that you can get both from the video (look at the lane that's FILLED WITH TRUCKS SO SHE CAN'T GET IN IT) and the video's description. So many people are twisting themselves into pretzels and choosing to be ignorant of the whole story to call