PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

As a Candian, I can very safely say that Hillary Clinton’s progressive conservative, neoliberal status quo-enforcing platform was a far cry from Bernie Sanders’ social democrat platform (inspired heavily by Jack Layton’s platform, if you ask me). One enforces the bullshit system that keeps people oppressed and

And yet, no mention of how society’s elites are manipulating social discussion to create divisive identity politics instead of a unified force for progressive good. You can even see it in the comments - passive-aggressive comments aimed squarely at white men. Do you people seriously not see how you’re playing right

I’m 26 now, and that seems about right. I get the same fix from games like Soma and Until Dawn that I used to get from RPGs - interesting stories that keep my attention. Only without the tens of hours of monotony.

I’d axe all of those sports games, with the exception of maybe NBA Jam, and add R-Type 3, Donkey Kong Country 2, Terranigma, Seiken Densetsu 3, Fire Emblem. 4, Gundam Wing Endless Duel, Sparkster, Gradius 3... So many great SNES games, and some of the imports and more obscure titles are actually some of the best games

Everything spice is good. Spice Gamecube, Old Spice, Spice Girls...

I don’t understand the “controversy” here. The Chikorita line in Gen 2 was pretty explicitly feminine, but 10-year-old (boy) me still picked Chikorita as my starter the first go ‘round. Why? I have no idea. But as a kid, the thing being feminine didn’t bother me.

It’s tagged as journalism but it’s posted on a Gawker site. Is this an oxymoron?

In Canada, gun safety classes are mandatory for anyone who wants to license a resricted firearm. Every year, too. My dad’s a former Navyman who’s been shooting with IPSC for over 30 years, and even he has to take the class every. single. year.

It’s a bad game, but it’s a great app.

I guarantee your prop and costuming skills aren’t worth shit. If they were, you’d be selling to these cosplay models and making big money. How do I know? I know people who do props and costumes for LARP and cosplay - AS THEIR CAREER. And I guarantee their businesses make more profit than you can imagine.


In a world, where Canada doesn’t exist...

He may have been more upset about the frequent and aggressive media coverage of the issue, rather than the issue itself. It’s boring and annoying to see the same things in the news all the time, especially when so many people just go on TV to fight about LGBT issues. The media does a very poor job of effectively

You can guide a kid, for sure, but you can’t change how they were born.

I am a straight man, and I admittedly feel a bit uncomfortable about homosexuality (it isn’t something that comes naturally to me, so my brain just doesn’t know what to do with it), but consenting adults should be able to love whoever they want, however they want. If a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman, the

I am of meagre means at the moment and can’t spare any money for a donation, but I will wish all kinds of luck for Sarah... No one should have to fight to merely “be”. I wish her a happy and productive life, away from the sort of insanity she’s being forced to endure.

Only things I can think of are Star Ocean 2, Wild Arms and Alundra. But I’m really not certain.

Who are these dweebs? :3

I haven’t read any of these writings, but I do hope these winners were chosen on merit, and not purely for political reasons. You do a great disservice to all writers, male and female alike, when you start making selections based more on how a person was born than the quality of their work.

Well America’s a lot like Canada, insofar as the best regions are supporting the worst ones. Here, the St. Lawrence Seaway (southern Ontario and Quebec), plus bigger cities like Calgary, Vancouver and Winnipeg, all subsidize the have-not regions in the north and in the east coast. Something like 70% of workers in New