PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

And thus marks the most innovative writing American superhero comic books have seen in 50 years.

I honestly don’t care about either service. I’d rather own my games physical, for one, and if it’s a game I know I want, I’ll already own it by the time it’s on PS+. I had PS+ for one year on PS3, and it resulted in absolute trash like Need for Speed Shift, Rag Doll Kung Fu, Uncharted 3 and one of the 8 million Street

Trolls aren’t jerks. If you’re hurting people while trolling, you’re doing it wrong. A good troll can cause a ruckus and make people laugh. A bad troll thinks calling someone a “faggot” is funny. Learn how to internet, Kotaku.

Is that a picture of Mike Fahey?

... You can get almost all of these games on the PS3. If you have a PS3 and a PC, you can play all of them. I bought a PS4 right after E3, and I’m honestly a bit disgusted at just how bad the library is, nearly two years after release. I bought the PS3 about a year after launch, and I had The Orange Box, Uncharted and

The orc poster looks fine. Stop being a pretentious hipster douchebag, Fahey.

I guess you missed the part where we won 1812.

Superman was created by a Canadian, then stolen by an American.

The Canada-US border is NOT a friendly one. We look at our backwards neighbours to the south the same way most Americans seem to view Iran - you’re a bunch of religious fanatics with a false democracy, pathetic civil rights, and a strange piss-tasting liquid you mistake for beer. We kicked your ass in 1812 with the

I don’t really see a huge issue with this. The character could totally be bi-sexual, but with a heavy leaning towards girls. I have a friend that describes herself as a bisexual that runs “hard gay”. She definitely prefers women, but does date men as well; she just holds them to a much higher standard. That’s not at

I find it funny how “progressives” always feel the need to sort people into race. “Is she white or black?” As with LITERALLY EVERY HUMAN ALIVE, she is mixed race. Hell, her adoptive parents are mixed race - guaranteed. It may take 20 generations, but there is going to be a non-black person in that genome. Why do you

Nobody alive is fully white, you idiot. Everyone is mixed race to some extent. Even you.

No. No I don’t. I understand the biological fact that race is imaginary; that we’re all of mixed genetics, and that nobody on Earth is “pure” anything. I don’t see colour - I see genetic diversity. The colour of the skin tells you almost nothing about the person underneath - not even their lineage.

My fiance is a pretty devout GW2 player... And she refuses to buy this expansion because of the excessive price. She says the content isn’t anywhere near the asking price, compared to free updates of the past. I’m going to have to take her on faith; I hate MMOs. But $50 for an expansion with a small amount of content

The core of the problem lies in the word “black” to begin with. And “white”. These words are imaginary labels applied to a whole range of ethnically diverse people. Until we can toss this racial segregation bullshit aside and accept that we are all - everyone of us - a slight variation of the human species, we will

For this reason, I wish you guys would add an additional tier - “Buy it when it’s cheap.” Probably 75% of games, even some I’ve wound up loving, never seemed worth the full price tag. Mirror’s Edge, for instance, is a phenomenal game at $20, but a mediocre one at $70.

Sounds like someone’s pissed they didn’t get more freebies. Poor thing.

Doom has never been about the combat or art design though. It’s always been about the exploration and level design. If they can get those things right, it’ll be a great game.

It’s sold out, dude.

It’s sold out, dude.