PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Fair enough. The only number I'd ever heard batted around was 8%, but that's good to know.

8%, actually. Not sure where you got your numbers.

My grandparents on both sides were immigrants. My mom's side is English - her dad was chief of police in a small town, and her mom took off back to England a few years after arriving in Canada. Good riddance. My dad's side is Macedonian, his dad was a successful restaurateur - he's in his 80's now, and he's had his

See, and that's why I reply intelligently to your finger-pointing. Otherwise I'd be all, "WHY DO YOU HATE AMMURRICA, FAGGOT?!"

Hey, come on now, I've met LOTS of hard-working foreigners, and I absolutely welcome people like that into my country, especially if they show a willingness to emotionally invest in our society. What I don't like is the uneducated pricks who come over under false pretenses and treat the rest of us like dirt. It's not

Actually, to add to that, I don't know if these people fucking suck at their jobs BECAUSE they're foreign or because of the city. I honestly have no clue. I'm only stating my observations, and you're inferring your own conclusions from that. In my experience, a lot of the international enclaves around Toronto are very

Pointing out when foreign people are terrible at their jobs: Bigotry.

Many of the Vault Boy images from the first two Fallout games are equivalent to this one in their vulgarity. F3 definitely toned it down several notches.

I have no idea what the fast food places there are like, but many of the ones here appear to be franchise-owned or whatnot... A family will come over to Canada (comprehension of English or French apparently optional), open up a Subway, or a Tim Horton's, or whatever else, employ their whole family (as part of a

Pictured (main image): The inventor of religious fundamentalism while still in the womb.

You can do that? How?

Does this mean that we won't have to hear about these overpriced, cheaply made minigames for hipsters on this site anymore? If so, THANK HOLY JEBUS.

Googling that the game isn't out yet is also easy.

Yep. Coming March 2013 for the PS3.

So we get daily bullshit like this, but still no reporting on Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut? Gamers care about games, not this horse shit.

Give them $100 worth of Steam cards and a note detailing when the Winter Sale happens and when the best deals are anticipated.

Watashi wa True Mystical WarrIor VII: Within the Enemy of Grand Calling.

Bro, do you even ancient mystical arts?

Bro, do you even lift?

The XL needs more attention.