PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Eh, even so... You look back to the America of old, where science and engineering, whether funded by the military or not, was highly celebrated. Nowadays, any time any new scientific breakthrough is reached in the US, half the country claims it's fake, a conspiracy, or blasphemy, without understanding an iota of the

Yeah, okay. I see your point. Still: I really, really hope I see missions to places like Europa, Titan and Enceladus (which also has liquid water beneath is surface) within my lifetime. It's really a damn shame that the governments of the world spend an extraordinary amount of money on their militaries instead of

Wha? I'm confused... Where did I say it was a moon of Jupiter?

Eh. I have to disagree with you. Europa's definitely a possibility, but the reality is that we'd have to bore through miles of ice just to access liquid water that may or may not exists. I recently read a paper about how silicon-based life could thrive in a methane-rich environment, and the concept intrigues me. Titan

I just want to say that the moon Titan is one of my favourite things in the solar system. It's a really neat moon - probably holds the potential for life. It rains on Titan, but the rain isn't water. It has lakes of liquid methane, with an Earth-like atmosphere and similar weather patterns. It's a really amazing thing.

Only 10? Why does that feel like an underestimate?

Oh, so you're a racist from Israel. Enjoying that free oil money the US is giving you? Such an incompetent country.

I'm not a European, and you are both a racist and a fool. I quite honestly don't believe you aren't American, because it seems like you rather enjoy Fox News.

I think EA is doing everything in their power to make hardcore gamers hate them. They had a really great year in 2008, where they actually let their developers make good games with original ideas. Ever since? They've been absorbing and destroying great companies and doing everything they can to make playing games more

Who said I was defending the terrorists? You, sure, are truly stupid. Obviously, any religious fundamentalist using violence to promote their bigotry (whether Islamic or American!) is out-and-out evil... But killing innocent civilians is never right. If a US war criminal was hiding in a crowded mall and the Chinese

I'm talking more about the, "YEAHR, GIT THEM TERRORISTS" mentality most Americans have.

Illiteracy is also high in the US it seems. I said "people like those voting on this poll".

Americans are so damned spoiled that they overwhelmingly support the murder of innocent people sleeping in their suburban Pakistani homes. God help us all. If a single-engine plane fell into a home in Anaheim, people would flip their shit. Murder hundreds of Pakistani families though? "DEATH TO THE TERRORISTS."

I did not like Pulp Fiction. In fact, I tend not to like any movie that glorifies drugs and gangs. That's not because I'm a fingers-up-the-ass Neo-Con, it's more that... I really just do not get any entertainment value out of it. It's boring. Pulp Fiction has that awesome "Does he look like a bitch?" scene, but the

$500 of price, $2.71 worth of pure plastic. What a waste of money.

Hey, no one's sayin' you're not allowed to feel that way. *shrug* I think the game looks amazing, but to each his own. I can see where this might not appeal to those who enjoyed the undersea doom and gloom of the first two Bioshock games.

Speghetti-Os? In MY vagina?

I was, actually. The game was designed for that one individual.

And it's inbred hicks like this that force anti-piracy legislation down the throats of those who don't want it.

Target audience.