It's because I was poor growing up and couldn't afford them. I always hated when the spoiled children at school would brag about their Lego creations.
It's because I was poor growing up and couldn't afford them. I always hated when the spoiled children at school would brag about their Lego creations.
It's because I was poor growing up and couldn't afford them. I always hated when the spoiled children at school would brag about their Lego creations.
My hate for Legos is well-documented on this site.
No, I realize Harper hasn't done a good job with his majority government... But nothing is nearly as bad as what the US has gotten with Bush and Obama.
Harper's majority is bad, but it's not nearly as bad as in the US.
Wow. So we get non-corrupt government AND a Skylanders game? Canada continues to beat the shit out of the US.
I never said that people who associate outside their own race have white guilt problems... Hell, that'd mean I do too! But I've certainly met a good share of people who think hanging out with people of their own ilk makes them look somehow intolerant.
If you haven't seen white guilt in Toronto, you haven't been to Toronto.
It's actually like this in real life too. Perhaps I'm generalizing, perhaps I'm seeing something as bigger than it really is, but wandering around Toronto, you see a lot of white man, Asian woman and black man, white woman couples. I think a lot of this has to do with the MASSIVE white guilt complex most people in…
Well I already forgot the remake exists, and I've never seen it, so I'll just class it in the same space as 9/11 conspiracy theories and Uggz.
I liked Sonic Generations until the 3D Sonic levels ruined it.
I was ready to argue how awesome Total Recall was and how you should shut up, then I realized it was that stupid fucking remake that i forgot all about until just now. :D
Call me when the PS3 version is announced. Enough of this handheld bullshit.
I smell a lawsuit~
I like some Megadeth, but even I think this is stupid. Who is this for?
It's a matter of fact. Few games are better than REmake.
And the first RE was far and away the best one.
I can't find any documentation, but I could have sworn the Facebook page said that when they announced it.
They finished the game in 20 hours. That's a DLC game if I ever seen one.