Movies are art. Ergo, they are culturally important. Ergo, they are art. Ergo, they ought to be PUBLIC, property of the people. Crooked capitalism doesn't change that. Ergo.
Movies are art. Ergo, they are culturally important. Ergo, they are art. Ergo, they ought to be PUBLIC, property of the people. Crooked capitalism doesn't change that. Ergo.
Up here in Canada, I can't say many have contempt for the government like in the US. Harper's current majority government is rather problematic, since they're the furthest-right government we've ever had, but I fully suspect they'll lose next election, probably to the Liberals - assuming they get their shit together.…
Well... US politics, anyway.
No matter who wins, they're all a pack of losers.
Dude, it's $8 for a tiny Lego figure. Lego's never been cheap. Literally, all I had growing up was Happy Meal toys (which I got once every two months), whatever we got for free, and whatever we get in these $4 bags filled with toys at Value Village. :P
You are human refuse. Plain and simple.
One thing that bugs me about McDonald's... I don't eat any meat that comes from a mammal (they're to closely related to me D:), so I order the egg and cheese McGriddle. However, unlike EVERY other fast food joint, they still charge full price without the meat, the bastards.
You're a fucking moron. You're ignoring every single goddamn point I make, claiming that all I'm saying is that shit should be free. I'm not saying that. I'm saying piracy shouldn't be a crime. There is a difference as wide as the Pacific. But as I said: You're probably American, the standard ignorant type, who…
"Cheap-ass parents". Not being able to afford expensive toys means my parents were cheap? Fuck you.
Or maybe the rights of the people outweigh the greed of capitalist business? I'm guessing you've never thought of that as a possibility... Must be American.
*crosses fingers*
It's not about getting stuff for free, you're not getting that. It's about blocking people from accessing material they could not otherwise access. Most people who pirate, they buy what they like after the fact. It's pride of ownership. They don't have the money to throw cash at everything they heard was good or…
Why would you even keep playing after REmake, 0, 2, 3 and CV? There aren't any good games in the series after those.
I honestly thought Minecraft to be a fad, especially after I played (and hated) it. It's virtual Legos. When I was growing up, only the spoiled cunts could afford Legos. Ergo, I hate Legos.
As in, it's greedy corporate types restricting us from arts and entertainment because, god forbid, we don't have an enormous income. Not only that, but lesser films/games/musicians would go completely unnoticed without the presence of piracy. Ergo, it IS censorship: Restricting the masses from culture = censorship.…
You mean like the Steam Summer Sale, where I got 3 dozen games (maybe more) for $100?
It shouldn't be illegal to download pirated material online. It doesn't prevent the sale of a product, and it doesn't hurt anybody - in fact, the opposite, it exposes people to products they might not otherwise experience. Moreover, telling people what information they can and can't access is downright dangerous…
Again, you seem to think I'm somehow in favour of censorship, and fundamentally changing a product to benefit the masses. I'm an advocate of neither. All I said that the way women are depicted in many video games is downright insulting. It's like Todd Akin is running the Big 3 or something.