PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Mario Romney has a net worth of over $200 million and doesn't give a dime to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Anybody want a Pizza Roll? Leave a message on my webzone if you want a Pizza Roll.

Only the first two you listed were any good, and those are INCREDIBLY niche products, PR or not.

Thing is though, critical acclaim doesn't exactly mean the game will be liked by everyone. All three of the games you listed, I couldn't care less about. Why? I didn't like the first Borderlands, I don't like sandbox games, and I out-right despised the first Darksiders. I doubt I'm alone in all of those sentiments.

I never said Sony was releasing flawless games: I said that PR people are useless. Sony hasn't been releasing top-notch software this year... I won't disagree with you there.

You don't need good PR to sell games... Good games sell themselves. You'll a worthless, over-educated shill, Mr. Powers.

So basically: Windows 8 is bad for games, awesome for casual MMOs?

There hasn't been a good Final Fantasy game since FF10. Simple as that.

No, no... That was cringe-worthy. It was so stupid and infantile that it hurt. I seen better humour in 90's tv show-adaptation movies, and that shit made my brain hurt.

In light of this information, I demand that all Kotaku staffers provide us with pictures of themselves doing a duckface and peace sign in the bathroom mirror.

I remember the Kotaku review that said this game was trying way too hard to be funny... My god, was it ever dead-on. That scene is cringe-worthy. Square-Enix completely destroyed Final Fantasy.

Yes, but those fans are whiny little cunts who wouldn't know a good thing if it smacked 'em in the face.

Can't wait for this expansion to come out... It'll get all the WoWtards off Guild Wars 2, taking their incompetent bitching with them.

Ahh. Hope it's a launch title for the new console generation. :D

I'm still wondering what happened to that XCOM shooter... This RTS one has never interested me - I've still got the original waiting for me on Steam. That shooter though, it looked like something special. And it vanished. Just like Mega Man Legends 3 and Armada of the Damned before it.

I had a tight budget though... I'm a student. It had to be under $700. Spent $670 dollars after taxes and shipping, then another $75 on a monitor. $900-1000 is too much, since the upgrade you'd get with that price isn't substantial enough to avoid the same wave of obsoletion.

I need a computer for my education and profession... So I built a desktop. There's no laptop on Earth good enough to run the sorts of professional programs I need to use. Don't write me off as some frivolous twat - I'm not. I just know from experience that factory-built computers are trash.

I get Win7 Ultimate for free through my school (well, not technically free, it's in my tuition...). As for the parts, nothing is crap, or even second rate. Sapphire Radeon HD 6850, AMD 960T (which is a little lacking, but easily replaceable), 500GB Hitachi HDD (7200 RPM), 8 GB RipJaws @ 1600, Corsair 80+ PSU, basic

They proudly exclaim "Made in America"... Why? I'm an automation guy. I know that stats when it comes to factory workmanship. The USA has one of the largest rates of manufacturing defects in the WORLD, and that's part of why their auto sector collapsed.

Let the PC elitist dick waving begin! Hissah!