Good. They do this for elections too - gotta pay $1000 to have your name on the ballot. Helps weed out the joke candidates... Though it didn't stop I.C. Weiner from appearing for the Rhinoceros Party in my first election.
Good. They do this for elections too - gotta pay $1000 to have your name on the ballot. Helps weed out the joke candidates... Though it didn't stop I.C. Weiner from appearing for the Rhinoceros Party in my first election.
Eh. Not really. Our economy's pretty stable, and we haven't had many major controversies since Harper won his majority in 2011. Back when the Liberals were in power, there were a lot of blatant problems with corruption, hand-outs to rich friends, bribing for votes, things like that. Harper's in power because people…
22. Also, Canadian. We like laughing at the Republicans. A lot. :D The Democrats are pretty shit too, but at least they have some semblance of humanity within their ranks.
I think it's silly that sexuality is still, in 2012, viewed as something reprehensible. Sex is beautiful, and it should be openly discussed, explored and acknowledged. There is nothing vulgar about it, and hiding it from people is just going to confuse and frustrate most developing human beings. Obviously, children…
Disclaimer: Unless she asks you to.
Eh, the same elitist cunts that elected Bush are still around today... My proof? Romney.
No, no. If the Bush presidents are any indication, far-right extremists are war-hungry monsters that view war like a game of Risk.
Ha! He wouldn't have even been in that position if he grew some balls and worked his butt off! /GOP
I'm not lying. My phone has a camera, but not a video camera. I would have used it if I did.
Bought my phone in 2011, actually. It's a piece of shit for the $175 I paid for it, but I needed an Android with a QWERTY keybord. I'd also like you to stop with the elitist bullshit spewing out of your mouth. "I'm smart with my money and I know how to save, hurr hurr." What, like I don't? I'm a full-time student…
Uh... Not dodging the point. You're creating a straw man argument here. You're citing a card I never spoke of and saying "Oh look, it's more expensive, you're wrong about everything!" My original post is talking about the 6850, but you changed it to 6950 to make your own argument look better. They're completely…
My phone doesn't have a video camera. Again, there seems to be a large gap between our expendable income levels.
I'm talking about 6850, not 6950. 6950 costs way more, but 6850 is a cost-reduced model. Use or .ca for your pricing, because I don't believe the guy asking is a Briton (though I could be wrong).
Sonic became terrible once it went 3D. The Adventure games were just awful.
Duke Nukem Versus XIII
I don't need to film it. Stop being an asshole. This isn't a Dell laptop we're talking about here. Besides that, I don't have a video camera, aside from my webcam - I don't have the enormous expendable income you seem to.
That combination might perform better, but it also costs twice as much. I do know what I'm talking about, but I do budget builds, not high-end PCs.
Uh... No, I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. It takes 15 seconds from pressing the power button to get on Facebook. Not in a million years would I use that Windows 8 garbage.