PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni


... But I already have all of those games on superior systems. Except the PSP-exclusive stuff, but you didn't list those by name.

I don't know what the poll was, but if I were American, I'd vote for a third party. I honestly don't understand how you guys continue to flourish with two far-right parties alternating between control of your country.

I'll concede that the gameplay improved, and significantly, but they completely killed the tone, the story, the pacing, the atmosphere, everything that made ME1 great. Why the fuck was the last boss a Terminator?

Mass Effect 2. Turned a high-minded sci-fi plot laced with tons of philosophy into a dumb-dumb action game for the CODfags.

You must have missed their earlier articles like this one that blatantly said all white dudes have life easy, that they never have to work hard to find success, and all this shit. They have a very clear slant when they talk about this stuff.

You must have missed their earlier articles like this one that blatantly said all white dudes have life easy, that they never have to work hard to find success, and all this shit. They have a very clear slant when they talk about this stuff.

The latest entry in Kotaku's on-going series, "All white, straight men are evil."

In my experience buying cheap shit from China and Hong Kong, it's just as reliable as the name-brand stuff sold here. Marketers and retailers in the west do a really good job at brainwashing people into thinking something cheaper than name brand is non-working garbage, but that just isn't the case.

Probably. I bet I'll see AC3 on for $20. ;D

I'll stick to my NASA space scapes one, thanks. ;D

That sales number is deceptive though. I'd estimate that 30% of 360's sold are to replace dead and defective ones, just through my experience working at a game store.

Yep. Luckily though, I have a big backlog of older games to work through... Working on Valkyria Chronicles right now! Plus the Steam Summer Sale added like 20 titles to an already massive list.

Me too!

Sony is definitely trying, but I think they're still having trouble with brand recognition. Nintendo has Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, F-Zero... Sony has Killzone, Uncharted, LBP, God of War and Twisted Metal. Not nearly as strong. They were stupid, I think, to abandon the Crash Bandicoot franchise... He could have

Tribes is amazing. I've never been a big fan of multiplayer gaming, but it easily beats out the ones I have played a lot of - TF2 and L4D2 included.

Does it use a proprietary memory stick or something? Have you tried using eBay to get one from Hong Kong?

I worked at a game store for 3 and a half years. I have a pretty damn good idea of the sorts of games people are buying.

Because Bioshock Infinite is about the only upcoming gaming I care about.

Nice job making assumptions there, but okay. I want Bioshock Infinite like nothing else, and neither Call of Duty or Nintendo titles are interesting to me in the least. I'm a big fan of sci-fi and JRPGs. *shrug* There are some great games outside of those genres, but none of the stuff you listed is interesting to me -