
Well, if you took out all of the fancy word usage that entire article would be: “These guys reupholstered a Demon.  It looks cool.”

Well, there certainly is the crossed tattooed arm look, but they aren’t wearing the “tough guy” look.  I give them 7 out of 10 Jesse James.

even when it’s heart is not pumping gasoline at a few thousand RPM’s per second.

Next, she’ll be posting about #Vanlife and doing yoga poses on the beach at sunrise...

Don’t get me wrong: it was funny as fuck...

Or the pants tug...

See my post above about families that live aboard a boat...done right, amazing.   I think the problem with unschooling is that a lot of folks would take advantage of that as an opportunity to...influence certain topics, or do some curriculum replacing science with religion and math with football...

I think there’s a lot of variables in that.  A while back I read about a family that lived aboard a sailboat and they were sailing around the world and home schooling their kids.  If the parents had the right mindset, the kids would have gotten an amazing education (geography, physics, math, culture, navigation,

More like “look at me!  I’m photogenic with no visible means of income!  I have pretty pictures!”

GF is going to stab me in the next week or so, i reckon. We’re good and all, but...well, I guess I’m a loud typer, so that bothers her. Also, she has that thing where hearing people chew pisses her off (yes, my mouth is closed, thank you), so I now play music when I’m eating something...or go into the bedroom

I dunno - Bruce and Demi seem to have a simpatico divorce, so maybe they’re OK?  

Fuck, that got dark...

It bothers me that trumps will skim all they can off the top, the middle and the bottom.  But I also know they’ll piss it away in short order..

‘Can you please stop grunting when you lift me?  It ruins my fantasy that I’m doing this by myself....’

Take your star, you beautiful bastard...

Many years ago when I was in NJ, I parked in a public parking structure. Where you go to get your ticket so the arm will raise there was a guy stationed there. His job: Push the button so you can get the ticket (I think I had to grab the ticket myself, but it might be failed memory). I remember thinking: “Whose


It’s a house of gift cards from Applebee’s. 

Now hold on there, rabbit. You’re telling me late 60s cars were unreliable? I thought those were the good old days before smog controlls and safety bumpers and all the electronic what have you, and if everyone just drove a ‘69 Country Squire, everyone would be just fine!

[looks at own outback limited]. Well, I don’t have the heated steering wheel... but truth be told, I could have done without the power tailgate