Pygmy Borborygmi

I think this probably has more implications for NFC style payment and identification than it does for phone calls. Wave your hand over something and get a vibration to acknowledge that you've paid for it. Maybe it would initiate the handshake between a smart phone and a POS terminal. It would be nice as a final

As long as it has a YouTube app. Cause half of the stuff I need when working on a car is on YouTube.

Well, I've read your article and the comments, and now I've dissociated with the word yawn. Yawn, yawn...yawn? Is that like, some sort of young deer or something? Yawn. yawn.

Holy mother of God, that must be one dangerous stretch of highway.

I thought DAC stood for Digital Alarm Clock until the second paragraph of this post.

And this is how H.G. Wells' Eloi and Morlocks came to be.

K, is it just me, or is this pretty much a lottery to decide who will be chosen to survive after the earth is destroyed in 2012?

If the tent's a rockin... threesome.

I thought I felt like the FBI a couple of weeks ago when I used Find My iPhone to track down the cab I left my phone in the night before, the cabbie looked pretty surprised when I interrupted his Sunday shopping and told him that I tracked him down using the phone's GPS.. but this is nuts. I love that app.

I see an Amazon best seller coming on.

Ha! That's awesome. I can see myself working on something really critical on a tight deadline. The computer crashes and Flight of the Bumblebee starts playing.

"It has a section on motherboard beep codes that lists, for each beep pattern, a song that syncs up well with it."

There's always Bamboo. The entry level Wacom product has had multitouch for a while now, this is just catching up their premium series. As far as Intuos goes they're still really the only game in town for high-end pen input, I can only see this type of OS integration growing their business.

Yes well, we're not talking about "7 pixels worth of goop". There are plenty of camera phones on the market with near 1um pixel size (yes, the quality isn't great, but it isn't goop). As far as I can tell the Nokia 808 shares a 1.4um pixel with the iPhone 4s. Except the 808 has 7 pixels for every one that the iPhone

"The technology means that taking typically sized shots (say, 5 megapixels) the camera can use oversampling to combine up to seven pixels into one "pure" pixel, eliminating the visual noise found on other mobile phone cameras. On top of that, you can zoom in up to 3X without losing any of the details in your shot –

Don't have G+... I must have signed in once and Google decided to keep me signed in. It's funny too because I have 3 google accounts, and that is the only one that was set to store history by default.

That's strange, logging in I only found history for searches done from my iPhone. When I opened Safari (with my phone) to log out it didn't appear that I was signed in...

That sounds like the schedule I was living while I had a paper route. You could try that, you would be making money at the same time!

"Pigment? I don't need no stinking pigment."

Have you been to his website? I guessing that cash flow isn't really a problem for Time, Wired, the NY Times, FastCompany, Subaru, Harley Davidson, Porsche, the list goes on.