I think how this translates is that Kodak is shutting down it's $100 million a year landfill filling business.
I think how this translates is that Kodak is shutting down it's $100 million a year landfill filling business.
Holy shit, I was just sitting in my living room when I heard this strange sound. I opened the window to see what it was and I caught the last reverberations of a resounding "MEH" echoing from afar. I guess it I've solved the mystery of where it originated. Good work Nikon.
The ICC's Special Enforcement Team will be at your location shortly. It will be extremely painful.
Well, I suppose a tool like the one suggested in the article would be able to help. Reducing the brightness of a monitor will make the monitor more dim, but it doesn't take color relationships into consideration when it does that. With a colorimeter and software you can set the Luminance Target (brightness) and the…
I remember working retail and spending a good amount of time talking people down from Wide Gamut displays. The problem really isn't with the display, because a lot of them have really excellent color and features, the real problem is software. The worst offenders are email clients and web browsers that are not…
Camera. Too. Ugly. Having. Aneurism.
Surgeons. How could you be enjoying the above (pictured) while thinking about stomach cancer and imagining the techniques used to employ this method. They are a special breed.
Jeff? Is that you?
I thought this article was going to tell me to do the exact opposite. I feel like a lazy sloth in the morning. I thought that real people wake up at 5 am and read the paper and have a coffee before leaving a half hour earlier than they need to so they can avoid traffic.
On the other side of this, it is interesting to know that all someone has to do to "infiltrate" your iMessage life is to insert your SIM card into their phone? If I ever need to get my iPhone repaired I will take my SIM out first.
Good riddance.
"How To Keep Your House from Reeking of Cat Piss..." ?
Don't be fooled. This will appear as a feature in the next Ken Block video.
Wow, that cop delivered swift justice right there.
OK, is it just me or is it onerously obvious that this is the US government creating a framework of internet insecurity in order to justify the implementation of a regulated internet?
You just have to play it right. I lost my job two months before the wedding..