Pygmy Borborygmi

If this thing is small enough I think it may have legs. I can't find any pictures of it that give a sense of scale though.

Wow, first 360 news video I've seen.. Feels like the future. There should be a lot more of that.

@Britt_Pollack: You should be able to use the aperture ring, you just have to set up the menu to accept that. I think it's called "Non-CPU Lens data"

I would be so incredibly pissed if I was a TomTom owner.

Getting pulled over? Shut off the phone.

We will discuss further in 624 days. Or not.

Hmmm, by my calculations the projectile carried by this explosion will be arriving in 623 days. Which by my calculations is December 21 2012.

At first I thought this was the worst idea ever. After having a second look though, this is completely hilarious. You are walking your dog at gun point. Kind of adds new meaning when telling spot to "sit".

Why thank you.

@fastactingrelief: ... and don't even think about asking for more cowbell.

It's all fun and games till he bags himself during a solo.

He shows you his war face each time he fires a slingshot haha.

Suddenly this technology makes perfect sense.

They don't say what it is on the original Popsci post either. Hoping that some awesomsauce scienc'y person on here will know that that theory is called.

Anyone know what this "200 year old idea" is? Like the name of the concept or theory. Thanks.