Pygmy Borborygmi

Oh man, that sucks. I feel so bad for you, here let me give you some sympathy...

@whatne1wuddo: They do where I live, I haven't had a call in more than a year.

National do not call list.

Better this than dick-cheese.

@Nicholas Gann: Shit, I was so stoked about the reference I didn't realize you were whining.

Congratulations, this is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever seen.

Look, it has a boner window!

Could this be done with shisha with slightly less cancerous/noxious effect?

My iPhone wears holes in my jeans easily enough thanks.

Just moose farts, nothing to see here folks.

@morpheuse: I wish I could promote this. I try not to complain about articles on Gawker sites, but this one is an exception. There is so little information and actual science, and much of this has been explored in greater detail in previous posts here and on Gizmodo; and much of that contradicts what is written here.

Well, I've been watching this situation develop for a while now. It seems that repetitive, pointless work will turn someone into an asshole. That and the following:

These articles always remind me that I have forgotten the admin password for my router, and that I'm too lazy to reset the router to change these settings.

@The Walrus M.D.: Eliminates the installed OS, and is less bloaty for hardware troubleshooting? Like safe-mode, but leaner?

*Please forgive the following n00b question.*