Pygmy Borborygmi

Cellular snuff.

"I've been trying to call him for an hour now. He answers, screams into the phone and hangs up!"

"feed chunks of wood into the vertical tract."


"I consider myself a master chef."

@LittleDragon: **This user has been banned. Please disregard any previous comments made by this user. Further mention of this comment account will result in a site wide ban.**

Enormous military base under the whole thing. 15 miles below the surface. Aliens, Energon cube, human cloning, fountain of youth; you name it. It's also the data collection center for tinfoil-hat penetrating thought satellites.

@urrutiap:I truly hope that all of mankind is wiped out, and all the evidence of our existence erased from the earth. Except this, this one comment to stand eternal.

That was hilarious.

I'm suing Gawker Media. I just slipped in a puddle of my own drool and impaled myself on my own boner.

"Sir, I have movement in Danchev's bathroom."

*go to facebook

@c00lpixfan: Not really, it's soft light that is pretty effectively absorbed by the black fur. High contrast hard light (direct flash) seems to work better, but isn't all that flattering. Most of the photos in the book are pretty underexposed, so it isn't super surprising that the dog is a silhouette. Still, this

If anyone wants to know how to deal with this, here it is: There is no better way to photograph dark animals than with a ring flash. It gives an evenly distributed, high-contrast light that doesn't seem to cause red-eye.

Pinky: "Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?" The Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky—Turn on the heater, and smoke the most unbelievably huge blunt you have ever seen!"

Hey look! Someone repurposed my DIY shit-kickers!

@Erik_says_this: You'll be Scheimphflug'ing before you know it ;)