Pygmy Borborygmi

@Erik_says_this: Not quite, no. This is taking advantage of something that happens optically when the focal length and aperture are set optimally.

@grubish2: Spend more time on io9. Thank me later.

My ears see what you did there.

@Erik_says_this: This is not focus stacking. It all takes place in the original capture, as a function of the optics.

@TendoMentis: I thought that maybe Kuato would emerge from them part way through the movie.

And what roll will Colin Farrell's eyebrows play?

I haven't seen that much penis since my last visit to Dick By The Pound. The all male, all Richard brothel.

@Platypus Man: Strange, I don't usually see the word penis come up at all on porn pages. There are usually a lot of synonyms though.

He tried to put his left foot down halfway up the ramp. Nothing but air.

That's Spiculiar.

This would have been so much better if the tattoo artist used glitter ink.

@jbrecken: No such test is needed to detect idiots.

@Kelevra: Time to learn to fly the worlds largest plane with no guidance system.

@JCs doing this instead of working.: Talking about your problems is not about sympathy. It's to help you understand the things that have happened to you, and build ways to cope.

"but this is not something I've ever been able to talk about with anyone."

Games like this are novel on a phone, or even tablet, but I think people have forgotten how free flash based entertainment can be on a desktop computer.

You forgot about the Dual Stabilization on the S95. They're using sensor shift and optical stabilization together; it's freaky good.