Pygmy Borborygmi

Can we submit wiggle 3d? Wiggle Stereoscopy is awesome!

@battra92: I fully agree with you (long reply above).

I think that the accuracy of this spreadsheet is somewhat questionable, and there are a couple more considerations that should be made when deciding on printing other than straight cost.

@battra92: I could agree with you for most users. In my experience it is always better to get small prints done at a lab. If you are doing larger prints then get a 13'' wide printer that has a pigment based ink set.

"fastactingrelief has a new Happy Cow in Farmville"

Wool socks. Smartwool is amazing. Avoid cotton like the plague, it absorbs moisture and makes you cold.

@cmdrfire: Ya, I know. I don't really get why they went with an electronically controlled shutter though. They could have easily left the film advance lever on the camera and simply let people cock the shutter themselves. It's also a bit of a chunker, has awkward menu, and an embarrassingly low resolution screen.

@cmdrfire: Ya, I can't understand the reasoning behind that. I mean, I haven't really looked into it, but why go to an electronically controlled shutter? I'm sure they could have left their penis shaped film advance lever on the camera and all of their users would have been just as happy to manually cock the

Every notice how incredibly phallic the film advance lever is on Leica cameras?

@cmdrfire: Yes I've played with it. I would rather shoot film on an M7.

And they still haven't managed to get it right.

I shot my summer vacation with a Polaroid Spectra. There is something about the monetary consequence of film that makes every picture more valuable.

@Silence04: HA! I just startled one of my coworkers laughing at this.

@KamWrex: First day of filming.. it might be a few months yet haha.

@fifteen_sunrises: It's not typically studio strobes. This guy is probably using speedlights or a special high-speed flash.