Pygmy Borborygmi

This allows for a manlier version of the old 'Marlboro's up the sleeve trick'.

They sure RAM a lot of people into cities these days. The drive to work is horrendous.

@mattv888: Maybe Sam Spratt should get on this.

"You're in a chair in the sky!..."

That's "1.8 Pedoflop"

The future is powered... by Epilepsy!

Y'hear that Cletus?

This is definitely a cover for some rich pervy dude who got tired explaining his real doll. There is no way that is a real person.

@theimmc: I see what ewe did there.

Wouldn't the phone require an RFID reader? Do they already have them and I'm a noob?

I always buy Milwaukee, that way it matches the six pack I'm drinking on the job.

I watched the first 45 seconds, and thought "this is kind of overkill". I made one of these using a silicone controlled rectifier as a gate and tube pre-amp I had laying around. The nice thing about my setup was that I could use any mic I had laying around, and I had a lot of control over gain.

Dear people born April 11, 1954. You suck, officially.

I was stabbed in the leg with a pencil in junior high. Still have the "lead" as a souvenir.

Confirmed: Canada is the best place ever.

I think it would be difficult to convince your friends that this isn't just cleverly hidden lube. Especially if used in a bedroom.

How the Hell Does the Maid Clean This Stunning House