Pygmy Borborygmi

"Google has been sitting on extremely sensitive personal information"

Don't you mean Colin Farrel's eyebrows take over from Arnold...


@Joe Stoner: Do you think that you would only be able to use two octaves on a full keyboard? Or would it be an expanded range. Cause that would be cool.

Dear Duane Innes,

@Turkieshooter: Also, clean your filters kids. I can't count how many "uv" filters I've seen turned into diffusers by dust and fingerprints.

@Tweeks: It's Vanilla Ice, but back when he was a gangly teenager. Jesus may need a time machine for that one.

And he could sink a battleship with all of the match heads he saved up.

It's a two way mirror. The bottom camera is recording the scene from the reflection, and the top camera is recording through the mirror. Probably combining for HDR or 3D.

Maybe some material or gas that holds heat better than the rest?

Can someone who is anonymous be defamed? Was his real name used in the youtube videos? Or just Officer Bubbles.

@Nigra: You spelled Niagra wrong.

So, essentially this is a self illuminating Spectrophotometer with a Pantone color library built in.

Grab the environment by the grundle... With a clothes pin.

@TangoTL: "I'm gettin too old for this shit. "

OK, 2:34 is that someone's legs just being flung into the air??