Pygmy Borborygmi


OK, honest question for people who buy these cameras. How often do you use that camera at 10x. I've talked to a bunch of people who say that it's too shaky, or the images are too blurry when they use the zoom at max.

@qbrad: 1 heart for you.

Are we not just looking at the color of the Peacock's feathers?

@Hearthatvoiceagain: I'm going to assume that Google is sharing a technology that was developed at the request of Hollywood.

"how can i get rid of these potentially confounding covariates? I would recommend using the alternative form shown by arrows and asterisks. My bladder is full with people waiting for their chance of success... while I still have my doubts."

...And then the police decide that their job would be easier if they could attach a camera to the billboard. Now I'm stuck with cruddy advertising and a stiff fine.

Another fine example of Giz enabling me to sound smarter than my friends.

Sure, the artificial kidney will be cheap enough, but we're all going to get soaked buying the HemoCartridges and BioCartridges.

@pmindemann: The comments are what keep me (and I imagine a lot of other people) coming back to Giz. I have seen them balloon in the last while, and when I see lack luster comments, or insipid crap, or trolls, it just takes away from the experience.

@avconsumer2: You f'ing nailed it. I've been trying to enlarge my wrists for years so I can wear a Nixon watch.

@A Ferret: HAHAHAHAHAH, oh wow. Way better than a water balloon fight.

@upwindsquid: From the source, I believe they are stickers.


OK, enough with the 50 megapixels. I'll care when I can have a 20 megapixel camera that shoots 16bit and can produce an ISO6400 picture cleanly. Thanks.

24mm TS-E means it is probably larger than full frame...

@Canon7D-Fanboy: It's a Photokina year, their strutting their shit.

@FlameCell: Yep, the dyed water drop bounces off of the surface tension of the water it is dropped in to.

@TheCrudMan: Flash off camera, not any kind of electronic speedlite either. To catch a bullet in flight you need to use a microsecond flash, which is usually custom built by the person shooting the photos. He is probably taking the shots in near complete darkness using a shutter speed longer than 1 second. He is