Pygmy Borborygmi

@armendni: Read H.G. Wells The Time Machine. Since we'll probably never know for certain, I find his thoughts to be more than sufficient.

@ivan256: Good to know, thanks for that.

@The Albatross: "boil it twice" Is that to make sure the shrimp are cooked thoroughly?

Alright, now all we need is the worlds largest fire extinguisher on the other side and a bunch of Phantom HD's.

Well, no one is really going to have to guess how Bob died.

Excellent, now I don't have to wonder why that Japanese guy is humping the shit out of the air while his friend is recording on his cell phone.

And you can still buy type 100 film for the pack film Land cameras, as well as select Polaroid integral films.

great, humidifier next please. It's nearly impossible to find a decent looking humidifier that can be purchased from a North American supplier.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: You are absolutely right there. The Sony cameras are terrible; they've always sold poorly because the user interface is so terrible. I believe Sanyo makes Nikon point and shoot cameras.. so there's no surprise that they have been kind of lousy. Their newer point and shoots (released this

@techynottreky: I guess it depends on what a higher end camera is. I'm guessing that most cell phone cameras don't have a sensor capable of scanning fast enough to eliminate this effect. Most point and shoot cameras have a quick enough sensor and processor that this is not an issue. DSLR's? Fuhgetaboutit.

@Joseph Paul Johnston II: My first iPhone was a jailbroken original. The first time I typed "naughty" it auto corrected it to "nig*er". I wish I could have taken a picture. I suspect it had something to do with the non legit firmware.

He's holding an iPad, an iPhone 4, and wearing a Q-Ray bracelet. The photos are censored for obvious reasons.

@Big Brother: I think this could take on a more Sci-Fi twist.

@Stem_Sell: fastactingrelief promoted this comment

I am kind of surprised how much space is alloted for this...

This is pretty awesome. I would be so incredibly pumped if Pantone teamed up with Crayola and made crayon sets.

@junyo: Well then.. thanks for feeding the troll. Cheers.

Pro Tip: Buy some black foamcore and use it to subtract light from one side of the photo or the other. In product photography black is your best friend, especially for shooting reflective subjects.