Pygmy Borborygmi

Really interesting. Thanks for that.

@robot-shmobot: HAHAHAH, I'm in tears at work right now, I look like a maniac.

HAHAHAH This made me laugh a lot. Excellent.

@battra92: ...You could stay at home with your fiancee while Weiner brings home the bacon. ...Then threesomes!

@SaintAndre: It's shiny and new, the rest is irrelevant. It really isn't replacing the 50D, the 7D already did that. The 50D hung around as a place holder, and because they still had some left in the warehouse. If they gave the video people what they want, then they would be screwing over the people who bought 5D's

Stationary or not, I'd probably still end up sliding off the pedals and squishing my junk on this thing.

@helifreak: If your camera didn't suck when you bought it. And hasn't sucked up until now.. then there is really no reason for it to start to suck all of a sudden when a new model comes out. Focus on what you're going to do with it.. not what it can do.

@SaintAndre: People will pay it. They always pay it. It looks cooler, more professional. Any time you have more than one small incremental increase you have a myriad of suckers waiting to buy it. And they all think that the quality of their photos/video will go up. I often lament that consumers don't push for

@vein11: I personally guarantee — with all of my considerable photo retail cred— that you will see a D90 replacement before Christmas. :)

This is how I read it:

@uRbAn: The essay describing it is probably one of the most surreal and unbelievably grotesque— and fucking hilarious— things I've ever read.

How To Make People Blind With The Internet:

Good article, lots of information. Next up; Color Management. Get everyone's heads wrapped around reproducing those color photos accurately.

@Tommy Five: That's just Dali mode on the Canon Powershot S95

It is obvious that he subscribes to Schrodinger's theories on quantum superposition.

Looks cool, I'd hate to come off the pedals...

This made me think of the Mythbusters Tesla Eartquake Machine.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I woudn't be too quick to endorse LaCie anything. I've seen more repairs and recoveries of their product than I care to mention, and their service sucks. I actually got somewhat concerned when I read that part of the article.

So does this type of tolerance stick around permanently, or does it go away after a period of not eating anything spicy? I have always wondered if "conditioning" your tongue this way has effects on the way food (not spicy) tastes in general.