
*sirens blaring* And now all the moronic #NotAllRedditors brigrade is rushing to comment. Spare us. That website is a pit of trash.

I love that the show quietly addressed the PTSD resulting from it. Elevated startle response? Check. Crazy nightmares where you’re suddenly transported back? Check. Flashbacks? Check. Random specific items causing you to freak out? Check. (But other than the last one, they’re really not played for laughs outright.)

The way these reddit users defend reddit reeks of cult-like behavior. It’s as if their whole lives revolve around that website. It’s just incomprehensible to me.

The hottest new thing in Moniga del Garda is La Scaletta. It has everything. Waiters that whisper the specials breathlessly in your ear, pizza cubes, chairs made of shitty tippers, entitlement cocktails, lamps that look like upside-down boobs, ice with messages inside about everything you did wrong in your childhood,

Please tell me they at least made the reviews sound like something Stefan would write. It seems like a waste to just make a regular review.

And fuck the people who are so fucking stupid they side-eye my dear friend when she tries to contain her son’s ASD outbursts. I’ve was with her once when someone had the fucking nerve to say, “So... vaccinations?” And said it with such condescension and “knowing.” I wanted to rip the woman’s throat out and yet my

Fuck Andrew Wakefield with a rusty pike. And fuck anti-vaxxers. If you choose not to vaccinate your kids that’s fine, but it makes you a fucking asshole who should not take your kids out in public to infect other people.

Because who wants to listen to those pointy headed intellectual elites? This is America and only real "Muricans with no expertise or knowledge but real salt of the earth common sense are worth listening to.

How dare you bring reasonable concerns about cancer into this when the special snowflakes in my life are at risk of toxins.

Congratulations, anti-vaxxers. You did it! You saved her from autism!

If anyone else had said this people would be really upset.

You know, I sometimes find telling people “it’s not about you” to be overly hostile, but this is a case where it’s really appropriate. People should reread her comments - she’s talking about herself. HER body. She has a right to talk about that without everyone jumping on her and make it all about themselves. Sheesh.

“I hated my freckles as a kid”

You’re saying that we should stop doing the sacred ritual where a famous woman makes a personal statement and we descend on it, picking it apart and taking offense as if it was directed at us?

That’s how I read it too. I think that, for women who simply have a thinner body type, they look, how they are supposed to look, which is, for them, “natural” and not malnourished. So for Amy, were she to go down to that weight, she would look different than someone at the same weight whose body simply

That’s the way I took her comment as well. I’m a similar body type to Schumer’s and quite happy with it. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago due to a thyroid problem and I didn’t like being smaller. I FELT like a malnourished bird, even eating constantly. If I worked in an industry that expected me to make myself


I do not think she’s body shaming the naturally slim at all. I think she’s making a point about those terrifyingly thin lollipop headed actresses that populate Hollywood.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one." Kinda funny.