Am I the only person who prefers Pizza Hut over Papa John’s, Domino’s, Little Caeser’s, or whoever else exists in the shitty pizza zone?
Am I the only person who prefers Pizza Hut over Papa John’s, Domino’s, Little Caeser’s, or whoever else exists in the shitty pizza zone?
I know that perhaps not needing a source in the future means that tossing them under the bus isn’t an issue as far as getting future info from them, but I’d imagine it would give pause to other anonymous sources who could get in trouble for being his source. Isn’t the rule you always protect your source, partly for…
One is CERTAINLY being done at the expense of the other. Milwaukee was threatening to layoff firefighters a few years ago. If they weren’t spending money on the Bucks, or if they were getting the proper tax money back from the Bucks, they would have money to spend on the fire department. John Oliver cited Detroit…
I’m not disagreeing, just reminding (since I also forget) that the show has been off the air for 11 years. And it’s first episode came out 21 years ago. Crazy to think about since I’m covering the age/stage in life they all are in the show also, and I was a kid when it came out. I remember when I got my first CD…
- Flick the Bean (Colloquialism for the Cloudgate in Millennium Park. No one calls it Cloudgate within a 200 mile radius)
I have a guess as to why the macros are still holding strong. In my experience, and I am just speaking for my small circle of midwestern acquaintances, most craft drinkers don’t just settle on one beer. Or one brewery for that matter. I have one that I LOVE (My absolute favorite, Flossmoor Station, Flossmoor, IL) but…
Most of the time if someone is so injured that they would be harmed by removing them, they know it. As someone else stated, if they’re in immediate danger of death and/or continuing injury then get ‘em on out. But otherwise if they want to get out of the car and aren’t screaming in pain when they move, they’re…
I figured this was the answer. I appreciate your rather thorough reply!
I know that depending on where people live going to another state isn’t an easy day trip, and I’m honestly not at all in tune with what states have what abortion laws, but if a woman wants to have an abortion and her state’s laws are fucked up, can she go to another state to have it done? Are there legal hurdles…
Your employer doesn’t get to see your personal phone. Subpoenas and the like are different but your employer doesn’t get to just look at your phone whenever they want. If Tom Brady doesn’t have an NFL issued phone they don’t have the right to any of that.
Handjobs are underrated. Drunk ones even more so.
I love this story because while I am typically a very fierce defender of the police, even I can’t defend this. It’s sad and hilarious (only because of the comments) all at the same time.
I'd have Arrogant Bastard in my top 3. I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with the other 2 but I know Arrogant Bastard makes the cut.
I was very disappointed at their insistence on renovating instead of tearing her down and building a new stadium. After Soldier Field I'd rather see Wrigley gone instead of renovated and obsolete in 10 years. Plus Soldier Field looks like ass from the outside now.
Illinois doesn't even have a law like this. As a former Illinoisan, now formerly proud Hoosier, I kind of think it's fucked up when Indiana wants to bash Illinois for all the stupid shit they do with taxes and then turn around and do this. Yeah, Illinois sucks, but at least it doesn't legalize discrimination.
Hot take.
Hot take bro
I want to know a bunch more stories of them being nice so I at least have that to make me feel better when their songs come on in places I can't immediately light the music system on fire.
The purpose of this report is to show the range and scope of the corruption within FIFA. [Redacted]
I have not tried it yet, but next time I need a six pack I will. I think that one is a little more available around here than the Chainbreaker.