
Instead of the dress, people should be having issues with that eye makeup.

Vary staybl geneus.

He could’ve spelled it as li’l and we would’ve accepted it but no, Liddle Donald is a moron and a bully so he is going to keep misspelling it.

My boobs hurt just looking at the pictures.

I can only hope when this is all over Rudy, Barr and Trump see some prison time. That is literally my only goal in life at this point.

Fingers crossed for apoplexy!

You gotta read the whole thing. The one point that has not been made clear in reports and summations of this thing is how much foreign policy stuff Guliani was doing on behalf of Trump. He’s not a government employee. He’s Trump’s personal attorney.  He’s ALL OVER this thing. It’s not just one or two things.

While most people hope and dream of impeachment, I’m looking for cerebral arteries to start getting tight.

It’s not just that he has these sycophants telling him how he’s so amazing for handling all the crap he gets himself into, it’s that he has to tell other people that they told him this. It’s beyond pathetic.

“One Republican senator told me if it was a secret vote, 30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump.”

Man, he loves nothing more than being the victim. The big, strong victim. The bigly-est. No one ever in the history of the whole wide world ever had it as bad.

Oh so silly, you left them on my nightstand...

no one wants to eat the rich when they look so unappetizing.

Ugh, I cannot stand this guy. Never could. Another example of using the family name to fail upward. I wish he’d just go away quietly. I’m sure he’s got a decent trust fund. If he thinks Dump is responsible for his fall he should hit him up for a job at one of his properties. Maybe as a caddie at Mar-a-Lago. Or wedding

Family Dynasties: making incompetent, horrid individuals like Billy Bush bullet proof for centuries.

I am so fucking tired of this blithering stupidity. How? How is he still immune to this? How do people continue to bleed devotion to him? How is this still happening? What the fuck will it take for this ridiculous parasite to actually get what he deserves!?

A) We live in the dumbest reality.

You lost me at “Ansel Elgort”.

  • Donald Trump and Mike Pence are maaaaaybe on the rocks. [Yahoo News]

Donald Trump and Mike Pence are maaaaaybeon the rocks.”