
I’m so over this motherfucker and his gaslighting bullshit. I’m watching, kind, health conscious people deal with atrocious diagnoses all around me and that fat, joyless, deep-fried shit bird goes on and on like an indestructible meth head reeking havoc day in and day out. He is downright satanic, thriving on evil. I

He not only turned his back to Her Majesty, but the Orange Lummox walked in front of her the last time they met. I wish Philip would take him for a ride.

She’s a Trump. She benefits from being a Trump. Says she is a socialite. She is as culpable as all of them. She spends the money, enjoys the privilege, stands beside them. There are no heroes in that lot.

It is exhausting. I have to read about Trump, because I hate looking at him, and I can’t stand his voice, and I have to do in small bits because otherwise I would probably have a stroke from all the rage I feel. 

I nominate my cat Shelby as the new official Grumpy Cat. Or at least Resting Bitch Face Cat.

Shelter Cat Update!

being mortified that this country has an attorney general who uses the phrase you know four times in a single sentence is pretty low on my trump administration atrocity list, but it still sorta makes me want to jump off a bridge, you know?

in soviet russia, election win you.

Hear that, all you lumpen Trump supporters? YOU didn’t elect him! He elected himself! He don’t need no help from nobody!

Well I saw it, and since when does box office numbers define whether an actor is good in a role? She was good in that role and her peers recognized her for it.

I thought she was excellent in that movie she got the Oscar nomination for - she played the author who forged documents to make money.

That’s a lot of daughters.

Call him any name you want: hypocrite, soulless, evil. Like some mythical Zen Turtle, Mitch McConnell has achieved Perfect Cynic. He does. Not. Give. A. Fuck.

quelle surprise.

Can you even imagine how many people it would take to lower him down and then get him up off a cushion? And of course he’s afraid of being hit by a pillow, Mr. TOUGH GUY! would hilariously duck, cover and scream getting hit by a floor pillow.

Those who are ringside traditionally sit on Japanese cushions called zabutons, but Trump was allowed to sit in a chair.

Japan thinks that by kissing up to him, they’ll get treated kindly by the USA. They don’t understand he’s a bully and will insult them and treat them like shit unless he gets exactly what he wants, moreso because he has dementia. Leading up to this, he was threatening them with tariffs on their cars. They hope this

I’m a 105-pound female and it was awkward but could have pulled it off without incident (just did it with a 57-lb bag of concrete mix). Then again, I believe in working out. Also, your form is terrible, dotard. Keep eating those hamberders.

The weak fuck couldn’t even lift it a foot off the table to hand to the winning sumo wrestler without a match official basically doing it for him while Trump pretended to be lifting.

If Obama hadn’t made fun of him, he’d be happily handing out trophies at a monster truck show right now.