
The non-stop hostility and dishonesty is exhausting. The person who occupies the Oval Office really does set a tone. 

Trump’s 24/7 sneering nastiness makes me ill. How this appeals to the MAGAts or anyone is frankly beyond me.

On Thursday, he called Tillerson “‘dumb as a rock’”...and said he was “totally ill-prepared and ill-equipped” to be his Secretary of State.

If the CEO of any company exhibited that kind of behavior and comported them self in that manner before any board they would be thrown out on their dumb ass by the end of the day.

You’re right! He has a bunch of minions who scurry around, write the tweets, give them to him...and then tell him what half the words mean!

because most of my rapes were not the gentleman jumping out of the bushes that nobody had ever met,” What kind of person calls a rapist a “gentleman”?!?

The thing is kills me is that none, none, none of the men who are supporting these new restrictive abortion laws would be against an abortion if the pregnancy in question were personally inconvenient for them or for their sons.


Agreed. He never seems to be grumpy. He just toddles around on his teddy bear legs and brings joy to everyone who encounters him.

Ain’t nothing better than a happy puppy.

Do not make the grave error of presuming that he cares at all about the consequences of his actions. He has been shielded from consequences for his entire life.

Look, everyone! A pupper to distract from the daily anguish- deepening roundup! His name is Gizmo, and he’s the therapy dog at my grandma’s assisted living.

I’m hoping we can start to rule in the early onset of dementia for the Orange Dumbsicle. Per the tweets he is unable to recall facts correctly and has a very altered view of reality.

7 is a young age for a cat to die.  RIP Grumpy Kitty.

It needs a full Constitutional Amendment giving women the unrestricted right to an abortion, free from charge, obstruction, or interference, regardless of age or parental consent, protected from protest, on demand until 25 weeks of pregnancy, and on medical need at any point thereafter; and funded and provided by the

Too young. 

Another child has died at the border. Well, we must focus on our priorities- like making sure cells have more “right to life” than the woman carrying them or the child/ person those cells potentially will become.

Children dying at border? NBD.

Let us not forget that this is also to make teaching how to perform abortions or any medical procedures that might be used for abortions illegal.