
Yet another piece of shit Trump pick who thinks he’s above the law.

Social media is stupid. 

Which begs the question: What sort of blackmail photos/evidence do the Russians hold on Graham on behalf of advocating for Trump?

As Brian Klass points out,

I very much appreciate Senator Hirono’s efforts here, especially considering I don’t even know how someone can have a neck when they are clearly missing their spine.

Sadly, it appears that Barr did exactly the job he was brought in for. Obfuscate, confuse, misdirect, stonewall, and just outright fucking lie because the average American attention span can’t be bothered with nuance and detail anyway.

I know. It shows the extent of suffering that these guys are politicizing. Repulsive. 

Trump and his shithead followers will gladly sacrifice hundreds of children a year on the altar of gun manufacturers’ profits, but lose their shit over completely fabricated scenarios about infanticide and post-birth abortions and weird patient-doctor murder conspiracies.  It’s beyond disturbing that the fucking POTUS

This is all a direct result of (among other things) John McCain.

In my experience, age is also a factor. Men 60 and above will go on, and on, about a topic they know nothing about, and at volume so they can’t be interrupted.

He would wear a terrible, obvious, wig. And then have anyone who questions whether it’s real disappeared.

I don’t wish anyone bad, but can he has a heart attack or something??

I think that “plug” is what most of us would like to shove in his stupid pie hole every day.

I think it’s too early for me to really know my top contender, but I’m mostly feeling #nooldwhitemen2020. We’ve had enough to last us for the next 200 years.

Trump actually hates dogs and all pets, it’s been documented.

I can give him about five minutes before I want to put an ice pick in my ear. I genuinely can’t comprehend how anyone can sit for two hours at a rally and listen, enraptured, to him speak and just beam with admiration for him. It’s totally psychotic.

They need to give him some Adderall before he delivers a speech. It’s so difficult to listen to him talk. At no point have I ever listened to him stay on topic for more than a few minutes when he normally likes to deliver speeches that last 40 minutes up to two hours. His rallies are just old people rants. And when he

i very much would like his stupid face punched into a fine mist.

This could’ve been a lot worse.