
looks creepy as fuck

You can apply the same criteria to hair dye...

what are these girls up to??

the problem with teaching people english with katakana is that they indeed, never get to grasp the sounds that doesnt exist in their laguage and therefore they will never pronounce correctly (with an accent, which is perfect, but correctly) I give you that. Now the shoe thing isnt stupid, just a culturl difference

but you arent cleaning 24/7 even if you clean it’s cleaner not to bring bacteria from outside in the carpet

have your star!

walking with your dirty shoes inside is disgusting

and you think 2chan doesnt? LOL
it’s the same shit

With all due respect why the second part of a movie that sucked the first time would be good? What was the logic to have hopes?
They cant turn this mess easily

so it will continue to be the same shit.

Most trolls dont actually get social issues... racism, homophobia, sexism, you name it. That’s why I don’t have sympathy for trolls sorry, they actually THINK what they say. Out of ignorance or not theu’re still being horrible people. Racism is a life/death situation for some people, not something people can take

We see Japan as backwards because they have this “you have to fit no matter what” mindset. Unlike the west, standing too much for your boldness or stravagant looks is not accepted (I know that sounds contradictory in a country known by harajuku girls and other crazy fashion but all those things are seen as a “teenager

Considering most males are unmarried and living alone nowadays.... it’s becoming more and more common. The whole low birth rate happens because people dont want to get married. It’s too much pressure on both sides. with men having to be the only breadwinners even if that means working 14 hs a day and women being

I think this is happening in most western countries

I was recently talking with someone who has tatoos about this. because I dont, so I cant know what would be the reaction if it’s a gaijin having tatoos. I mean they’re obviously tourists with broken japanese, they cannot posibly be yakuza. But this person told me the scorn is the same. Japanese people dont like

looks uncomfortable

That series is an entire parody of skimpy outfits tbh

Japan aren’t as comically hypersensitive to things like this


EXACTLY. Stand up for your creations dammit. and if people dont like it well too bad. Any work of entertaiment or art can be controversial, whatever
This reminds me to the stupid “women are hard to animate” to “justify” the lack of female caracters. Just say you have no interest in including a female character. period.