
this is a little far away from a winter outfit and you know it

so she needs her boobs out to breathe but, she wears a leather glove covering almost all her arm #ok

This is stupid as the “women are hard to animate” thing. Just say you want a sexy character. No one will bite you for just admmiting it

so she needs her boobs out to breath and eat but, she wears a leather glove covering almost all her arm #ok
This is stupid as the “women are hard to animate” thing. Just say you want a sexy character. No one will bite you for just admmiting it



not worth it...

That’s anot anorexic. That’s just an impossible body shape

dem legs

I love it!!!

.................................... ???
I’m agreeing with you?

I dont give a shit. Never in my entire life I’ve wondered if the models in pads/tampons commercials actually use that brand or not. It’s stupid

Only if are as famous as Jiro

Now playing

no honestly I love than in Asia anyone can advertise anything. Why cant a man advertise pads? Why cant a man advertise make up?
That’s probably more attractive to women than seeing random models idgaf about. And we have yet another instance where men publicists have no idea how to sell shit to

If you’re going to keep the poor reading comprehension skills I REFUSE TO KEEP DISCUSSING WITH YOU (aside from the fact that I find very idiotic to hear someone defending something that is not even worth defending but lets skip that)

Games have been mainstream since I was a child. Everyone had a console and play an we ere kids. There werent labels such as the gamer kids and the not-gamer kids. And that happened to long ago to still have a bunch of manchildren (that are around 20 or 30) whining for a supposed “discirimination” they never actually

Not true. People say things like “politicians are all liars” “famous people are so vain and superficial” Communities are attacked. And not always because “they kinda deserve it because they made a mistake” Famous people get picked on all the time by how they look even if they are just picking a coffee on a free day.

well... what else did you expect. They deserve the backlash tbh.
Why would you even mess up with such topic? It’s what I call being stupid

The thing is: that’s comedian’s jobs anyway.
I’m not a fan of Kimmel, precisely. I’ve never liked him but lets not pretend comedy of the kind he does doesnt basically consists on laughing at someone. Even themselves many times.
And it’s not true that they always make fun of the “careers people dont get” I doubt anyone

Because they are butthurt as fuck. You see that percentage that is all arrogant and big ego ? First sign of low self steem and insecurity. They are insecure. Insecurity make people defensive and defensivness make them angry and hateful.... there you have the so called “neckbears” and Gamegater etc...
Of course not

yes, but it doesnt matter. You cannot throw justa anything that is not comparable and expect that constitutes an argument. Whether you find a equivalent example or it’s not applicable. (Like this case) so nope. try harder
Yes, I understand what impulses are. And affairs are not.
Sex one time? maybe that can be an