Not prototype, this is the mass production version
Not prototype, this is the mass production version
Judas H. Christ, a lot of commenters need to spend more time at
Another Tesla fan with zero sense of humor.
And 14 early-adopters were lined-up inside to buy said truck.
I don’t understand, they’re offering discounts/refunds, but only if people ask for them? Like if people don’t ask for their money back Google’s just going to awkwardly shuffle away whistling non-chalantly?
Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.
Yeah, fuck the frivalous rich. Meanwhile I can’t afford to buy a house and half of the people in the world can’t afford shoes
Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.
I also vibrate like crazy with mechanical stimulus
Yeah right the only way Comcast understands is if you fork out another $50 a month for their unlimited data on top of the their already high monthly billing.
I think it feels way more like Sekiro. There’s more verticality, there’s a relatively low number of abilities, there’s health and force scaling, but it’s minimal, and it’s not a game where you can just tank out your character. The parry system is part of it too, but that’s scaled back I think here because of force…
This is how I ran into him. I just hung around the opening to his cave and took pot shots at him until he died. He can’t go through the entrance and it’s easy enough to time your rushes.
Well, there’s no climbing in Souls games. But I think they went the Uncharted route for climbing because climbing is supposed to be a puzzle too. And that puzzle is a lot harder to corral the player with if they can just climb anything.
That being said, there are a million frustrating scenarios where it looks like you…
Terrible review scores probably had a bigger impact (thus driving down sales). God I hope you're more right than me though
waaaaaaait a sec, is voting with one’s wallet working?
I agree, that’s a tricky headline.
Kinja editing.
That’s exactly how this reads. Not cool.