
I have no idea what to expect of this game. I am hoping for the next iteration of mass effect. I don’t need to walk around for 5 days to reach a new city. I want to explore interesting regions. My first thought and why i didnt preorder was, are they just making planets for the sake of saying they have 1000, or are

There is a standard that Bethesda is held to that no one else is and that’s wild to me personally.

to be clear, this is only in regards to Call of Duty. Not everything. Anyone who read this and assumes it’s about anything else needs to go back to grade school. 

I don’t know why everyone seems to conveniently forget that Xbox had CoD on lock back on the Xbox 360 with the marketing and exclusive content and all that. Activision jumped ship to PlayStation along with millions of Xbox gamers when it was clear Xbox One was going to flop.

It didnt for minecraft in fact they released new versions of the game for newer consoles and two new titles in the franchise on playstation 4/5. They released Ori on switch along with the bards take remaster. Microsoft is a business and they look at the potential profits available and prioritize the most value for

So Sony was just throwing an Erdogan style hissy fit? Trying to get as much attention as possible....

Have you seen the price of lettuce lately, though?

The cards were coming right for him!

but when his coworker beat up a bunch of minorities for no reason they got a promotion. 

I was going to comment on his video, but that would be rewarding the turd for “engagement.” He’s ignorant. He has no clue what off-roading is. His carbon footprint is almost as big as some African counties when you consider what he bought and destroyed in record time (I can guess how much mining, materials transport, r

Yeah I’ve seen the nazi symbols that the bored ape nfts employ. Still, tasteless is how the entire nft market is, we shouldn’t just disregard what an nft stands for by its stupid art. If it had legs to stand on.

You may be shocked to learn there are far, far more offensive antisemitic, racist, violent, etc. NFTs out there. I don’t like NFTs for all the reasons nobody here does, which are all good reasons not to like them! But this is just one aspect of tasteless art, not really an NFT issue.

I’m assuming that ”nuked from orbit” means that the image was removed from the servers. So the person still “owns” that NFT in the same way I “own” a receipt for a sandwich (that I ate)

Another aspect of this story - the NFT had “changed hands” several times already, so it “belonged” to someone - right? Any yet, Gamestop just “nuked it from orbit”... so much for “ownership” when it comes to NFTs...

Pack it up, everyone. We’ve found the worst nft made. There will not be anymore nfts that plagiarize imagery of other tragic photographs after this one, surely!

I’d still love to see an Alpha Protocol remake or sequel.

That’s not really it. GOP has long since abandoned the “family” aspect of Republican politics and have since replace with it a christian masculine focus that borders on cartoonish. And yet, think about the games we regular consume and the type of messaging they have. Before anyone gives me shit, no I am not saying

I’ll never understand why young men, especially gamers would support the GOP. The GOP is the most backwards party ever. They want nothing modern and are the first to blame video games for real world violence. Why are you with them? Do you want to read the bible all day?

I keep seeing “might as well kill your rapist if an abortion is gonna put you in jail,” which is true, but “might as well kill a Supreme Court justice appointed by a president who lost the popular vote if an abortion is gonna put you in jail” applies as well.