I’m beyond devasted.. I can still hear his soothing voice and the way he heaped praise on all the things that caught his eye and why we should look into them too, even if they werent our style, his words got many of us to step out of our shells and give a new mmo or lego set a go. After my own ordeal with a brain…
It’s as if they looked at the animations from Mass Effect Andromeda’s launch and said “gimmie some of that!” Throw in some uninspired character designs that clearly ONLY try to look like the movie versions and you’ve got yourself a cash grab. They got the license and figured easy money. As a marvel Die hard, I’ll wait…
I'm truly sorry to hear about those losses you've incurred. Losing my bro three years ago still tears me up. Just when i think i have a good grasp on the pain i hear a song or even a calm wind can bring about torrents of regret or anguish of not having them there. The only solace i find is knowing they don't have to…
He could have at least tried to be a little more subtle like “I got a van with your name on it” or “ Insert moustache joke here”. I use the term subtle loosely.
The main guy responsible for the stadia’s launch was pretty clueless about how much cash data caps bring in to companies like comcast. He said that he expects isp’ to be understanding and generous to customers when they stream. Pretty laughable. Watch Jim Sterling’s recent vid on Stadia, it’s pretty alarming how…
He was my first companion. Immediately after bringing him along I shot Reed in the face (which does slightly alter the very last mission in the game) but Max didn't mind since I promised to help him decipher that book. So many outcomes, God I love this game.
what gear are you running? I swear this game even holds back good gear for him until you hit 30 (i just hit 30). Playing solo with him right now is a chore. Any help to make me not regret putting so much time into him is appreciated.
And don’t forget all those pube mounds!
Had they kept the cost similar to their other giant and same sized figures it would be an easy sell for a lot of collectors. Fortress Maximus is about 200 to 249 on average and that’s ok. He’s 2 feet of plastic. But asking people to fund this beast when most are going back to school or have recieved less of a tax…
May I make a political comparison?
i loved mine.. right up until my house was broken into and all my games were taken. Both of my dream casts including my super rare Robotech edition that looked like Roy Fokker’s valkyrie and my Modded 64. Everything. Every game and system at the time. This article truly brings back painful memories. They even stole my…
dont forget about the sheep sounds coming from Alcibiades room when he opens the door!
She left because they paid her in loot boxes.
there already are!
Id rather they give us the option to turn off Scaling enemies than live events so soon after launch. Having a leader level up in front of you as you just killed his guards is pretty lame. And why have even the chickens level up with you? It makes earning xp a punishment. In origins, I loved going into older camps and…
Hell yeah. Glover hunts and kills a Predator, without traps or mud. Such a fun movie. And Gary Busey’s teeth are tolerable. And who can forget King Willie?!
Damn Fucking right!