Oh wait the head and shoulders right?
Unless there was a second repaint, I believe Ryu is based off of Voyager Octane ;)
How am I mistaken if you literally just verified what I said. Activision lost their rights to many of the characters. I am only speaking of ultimate alliance part one, hence why I didn’t add a “2" to my statement. Google it, it’s readily available information. And someone before you asked me what platform and I said…
No the first one on the 360 .
Sort of. The first ultimate alliance had somewhat similar issues. Month after month, heroes (including dlc ones) were stripped out of the game due to licenses with fox. Deadpool , silver surfer, human torch to name a few we’re all removed via patching. If you have a copy of the original pressing, start it up but don’t…
Sniper elite 4 takes place entirely in Italy 1943
I guess by now, regardless of ps pro or xb1, we should all have larger expanded HDs. My xb1 s has a 5tb drive and I have 320 games installed, with all 4K Assets ready and installed. The xb1 has 800gigs left of free space.
In the early days of the Xbox rewards program, depending on what your gamerscore was, you got a certain percentage back on your purchases. They still have a similar program but now the gamerscore part of it is no longer adds to the discount. You only get a lame badge now.
Does anyone know the normal average play time for this game? I got a lot of replayability out of the new order and I hope the same can be said for the new one.
Oh man, I’m literally sitting in a stall, taking a shit, and laughing out loud. I can hear people quickly washing their hands and rushing out to avoid the laughing pooper in the stall behind them. Thank you kind sir.
Wow, they actually used the old HBO themesong for that game?
Can we get a list of best games for 4k on consoles?
So true. I hope the next movie’s (bumblebee) director knows better.
It’s kind of a mess, at least that’s how it looks standing in front of that giant thing. It all kinda just clashes together.
Absolutely adorable. All you need is love.
I think people would understand why you (and I) are mad alot more if you mentioned that they (the devs) said the DLC season pass would give us the complete halo wars 2 story, and this new dlc is the actual end of the game. Really shitty thing to do to their fans.
Ditto, but I assume it’s because of how bad they were ripped on for what they did with Forza 5 when it came out. Microtransactions everywhere. Not to mention the game was absolute shite. I’m having a lot of fun with 7. And right after you posted this update info I logged in and there were the 1 million credits and…