“Nobody seems to be talking about us anymore. They’ve only been talking about Ohio State for the past week. We need to do something to get back in the news.”
“Nobody seems to be talking about us anymore. They’ve only been talking about Ohio State for the past week. We need to do something to get back in the news.”
This is easily the 16th or 17th most disappointing thing I’ve read about Michigan State this summer.
People do not like thinking about this, but I promise you, this shit will not change until there are actual, physical consequences for the looters.
Hmm. The point, which I’m happy to explain to you, is that we have enabled, even cultivated a society (a) which values the “rights” of a few already wealthy people to further enrich themselves over petty concerns such as whether hundreds of employees — people who actually need it — have salaries and benefits, (b)…
Sounds like an argument for the workers owning the means of production.
Are you kidding? Absolutely!
That whooshing sound is the point flying right by you.
The whole point of a [murder for hire scheme] is that you’re going to [kill people] in order to [make money]. Like that’s literally what a [contract killer] is setup to do.
Fundamentally, to get the kind of monetary power that people like Ferro and his cronies have, you have to be a bad person. You simply cannot acquire that degree of wealth and have a soul.
tronc calls meeting with entire Daily News staff.
He is so goddamn dense that it’s honestly a miracle that he doesn’t just sink to the bottom of the pool and drown every time he gets into the water.
they’re mourning the death of IVD.
I bet a lot of them have opinions about PC culture.
The looks on some of their faces and the intensity in which they clapped, suggests to me that, at least in the case of the handful of fans I looked at, they were proud of him for saying racist shit and being “one of them.”
“Good” isn’t the best word.
An NFL owner that does something [record scratch] good?
Many parts of Michigan too. In the town I grew up in in Western MI (and left as soon as I graduated HS) there was a major meltdown when the school banned the confederate flag from school grounds and the school board meeting had hundreds of people lined up outside to oppose the decision. The local tattoo parlor…
Jesus. Who’d have thunk that in 2018 America so many stupid, half-literate white people would rush desperately to the defense of an old racist rich guy who owns a totally useless business that profits by underbidding and cutting corners, who created some of the ugliest branding in the history of capitalism, who has a…
Why do these people visit this website? I don’t understand.
I just wish Obama would stop dividing this country.