
My kids do it. Of course they’re 7 and 4 year old girls.

Whatever happened to a good old fashioned beat down? What if every other night his neighbors held a little blanket party for this little shit?

I want to throw up. I don’t know how POCs live with this shit day to day and why so many other white people can’t admit that this is a huge problem.

“It’s amazing to me how calm everybody stayed. Angels were watching out for us.” No they weren’t.

I get what you’re saying but giving students more or less access to adequate care is not going to make them do more or less stupid things. Might as well at least reduce the harm. The only thing I would say is that this should be something all accredited institutions should have to participate in.  

Be sarcastic all you want but this isn’t the equivalent of running a red when there’s no traffic. Double solid lines are there for a good reason. Still didn’t require the death penalty or anything more than (maybe) a phone call to the police.

Passing in a “No Passing” zone absolutely is being an asshole, it puts other people life in danger. However it doesn’t make what Crum did even a little bit right and he deserves his jail time.

Lesbians are the easiest next step. A lot of guys who are anti-gay still casually like seeing two chicks together.

That’s pretty screwed up. Unless it all turns you on right away don’t mess with it, run away.

Because self driving cars need to be able to respond to other vehicles actions. This doesn’t make me distrust self driving cars because I know every incident, which seem to be few will, will improve the safety. The general public however are is often foolish.

Yeah, usually I don’t care what a person enjoys but that was where I drew the line.

Not being a woman I can’t decide whether or not the term “rape” applies here but from the description it seems like maybe the major problem is crappy bedside manners on the part of doctors and staff.

Dammit! You beat me to the crazy!

Are you insinuating that the CEO of Exxon is not Vogon? Maybe he is but none of us remembers his poetry because the entire world blanks out every time he recites some.

Real men don’t care about the cold. Shoveling the sidewalks and clearing off my work van even in -30C is part of life.

They are handy when traveling in a whiteout. In Alberta we call it “driving by brail”.

Has somebody already submitted this to Awkward Family Photos?

The specs list a Core i5 which makes it a slightly better deal. It could certainly use more RAM but that’s an easy enough upgrade.

The specs list a Core i5 which makes it a slightly better deal. It could certainly use more RAM but that’s an easy

I prefer a nice pork soda.

On the upside Lada is going to make a great comeback in the U.S. soon.