Speak for yourself, I regularly “get down” to the latest Jackson 5 records.
Speak for yourself, I regularly “get down” to the latest Jackson 5 records.
No kidding. I wake up everyday and just wish some cop would pull me over and beat me up for no reason but they never do...they never do.
““The professor’s Twitter feed is filled with hateful, obnoxious messages, anti-Americanism, slams of President Donald Trump” Who’s President Donald Trump? As far as I’m aware such a person does not exist yet.
Not enough pizza strip intake likely.
Okay, I can understand an employer threatening employees but why is a union doings this?
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? If I knew that that sort of thing was frowned upon...
This view is unpopular and uncomfortable. It also happens to be largely true. Yes there were mitigating factors from the media and Russians but there didn’t seem to be any actual voter fraud (not enough to matter anyway) so in the end her campaign just failed to overcome the obstacles. Number 1. of those obstacles was…
Almost certainly. Bad safety and other work behavior is more often than not a top down problem.
Those sort of rules are in place most places. That being said there’s always that one crew or more likely an entire company that just can’t be bothered to do the right thing and they get lucky until they don’t. The motorists should have slowed down but an outside worker that cares about safety at all would take other…
Are you saying it’s not a dragon? That’s just what the mainstream libtard media wants you to think!!
According to some quack putting out anti-climate change videos it’s the press and politicians. Apparently real scientists don’t believe it at all. Oh, of course there’s also the Chinese.
Canada cares. Please keep her at home, we don’t want her.
Dear Lena,
Once again I’m thankful for Canada’s good old fashioned paper ballots.
Words, words everywhere and not a fact to be found.
I feel very sad for you America.
Like A Rolling Stone is not sexist just because it features a female. The sex of the protagonist seems to be merely coincidental.
Why should we be pissed at any of them?
Yes. I also liken it to falling like when people get thrown to their death in “Dredd” while on slomo. We know we’re falling and we’re about to splat on the ground but there’s sweet eff-all we can do about it.