
Hey, you’re not Canadian, you didn’t even apologize for the situation even though it wasn’t your fault!

Odd, I’m starting to think the MRA’s might just be full of shit.

And yet here I am at 42 a man who was fairly promiscuous when young and I’ve somehow managed never to have a women claim I’ve raped her. Must be luck I guess.

Looks like a shitty Sims game.

Am I wrong to think that the kind of women that won’t vote for HRC because of boys are the kind that will probably be voting Republican?

You were raped. I’ve been with a girl who didn’t respond as I made advances so I stopped, we discussed it and I didn’t try it again. I don’t know to read women, I’m basically vegetable when it comes to body language comprehension but a girl acting totally cold isn’t body language so much as a blaring siren any guy who

Are we sure he wasn’t punished for calling a self propelled scooter a “hoverboard” which is obviously a lie. I think there’s even commandment about falsely claiming to have a hoverboard, pretty sure it’s in the Gospel of Doc Brown.

“Hey honey, I’ve got role play idea for later!”

@Jia Tolentino, what’s the old saying, “the best revenge is living well”? I wish I could show a tenth of your grace.

As an Alberta trucker trained by my employer I approve this message. Seriously though, it’s the shitty training schools these days pumping out half assed idiots that think they’re truckers just because they passed.

When I took my commercial driver’s exam not being able to back into your parking spot was an automatic fail. There wasn’t anything on the exam about weights because it varies so much and because they probably think people aren’t total idiots though I suspect that’s about to change.

Do you even go to church? The forefathers specifically no godless communists allowed!

Listen the forefathers agreed that the right to arm bears was important. Are you saying you’re more smarter than the forefathers? ARE YOU!?

Speak for yourself.

Is this your sister?

I don’t know the legality of email regarding confidentiality but it hardly applies to privately held social websites like Facebook and Twitter.

Yes, everybody’s religion gets shit on. Live with it.

If you’re into PC gaming might you not spend that much for a good monitor anyway?

There is an obligation to not impede traffic though.

No but it does speak to the charge of asshole.