
Im not saying Uber or Lyft are “bad guys” any more than my full time employer is one. However they both have consistent practices of behavior that work to their advantage and not to mine... cause I dont work in the C suites, I work closer to the ground level.

The good old “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” argument. Free will is not a guarantee that you will attain the things you choose to pursue. As an occasional ride-share driver and full-time employee (at a job that calls me an employee), I too have free will to find a better paying job that will eliminate the need

Sorry... SPOILER ALERT: Karla is beheaded for being from another country. Her head is then put on a spike as a warning to other immigrants to be not smart. You can stop watching now.

I couldn’t help but contrast how this final season felt vs Game of Thrones final set of episodes and how OITNB did an exponentially better job at story and character progression to make for a deeply emotional and (to me) satisfying end.

You’d think they’d offer a bit more leeway since it can’t be cheap to continue to over populate the prisons with people who are in violation of their parole, but I honestly don’t know enough about the system to comment any further than that.

The very formulaic way you have managed to dismiss Maritza’s situation as something justified is EXACTLY the problem that I think the episode was trying to highlight.

Regardless of opinion on what LeBatard said, I appreciate the vice he seems to be consciously putting on Pitaro.

I think Mike “gets it” as much as Dan but somebody HAS TO be the official Dan Wrangler for the show or “they” won’t allow it to continue in a way that won’t push Dan (a cash cow for the network, pun intended) to chase that ice cream truck over to Fox who Im sure would gladly poach his talents from South Beach.

I suppose Im just a cynical viewer at this point because this season (in particular the last two episodes) have been disorienting in a “why do I still watch this show?” way. While watching this episode I kept thinking about how it reminded me of “Fly” from Breaking Bad.

For as much as Kev and Vee have been sidelined, it was frustrating that their entire personality as a couple (cause they aren’t individuals anymore) is that they are terribly unprepared, underfunded, and underinformed parents. Then to have them visit the Goldilocks Three Bears version of daycares in this episode was

As annoyed as I was at the super on-the-nose way Red (again) pissed away her own happiness, I was even more sad by what happened to Lorna and Blanca.  Im  sad now just thinking about it!!  Goddamit

According to my next door neighbor from the 90s, its called “An Intendo” 

Not to be “That Guy” but I dont want my elected government officials making jokes about arming toddlers with RPGs.

Moralities aside... if you feel strongly enough to give written instructions to spit in a customer’s food, then do it yourself. Fucking millennials

Is anyone else slightly bothered by the frequent fade-to-black transitions between scenes?

Scott Tennerman has found a new victim

I too cannot take my eyes off the *Trump voice* FAILING LeBron James Hairline #Sad #Comeonhome #Jordandidit

Maybe I’m a prisoner of the moment, but “I think there’s a chance Renee might be one of us...... I don’t know” is the best series cliffhanger ever.

Stan: You want me to send a coded message to the Soviet government?