Bigger Putz

*Curb Your Enthusiasm Theme Plays*

Still relevant

The boats are used to smuggle in Sharia judges from god knows where, and it eventually all ends up in the Clinton Foundation coffers, where it’s used to make pizza from aborted children, and finance forced gay sex education taught by Mexican illegals who behead nice ladies who won’t make gay wedding cakes. I read it

Here’s a thought for deficit hawk Bob Corker: maybe raise taxes on rich people whose repeatedly slashed taxes over the last 50 years have strikingly coincided with a rising deficit becauae we’re letting the people who make the majority of the income skip out on their fucking taxes.

University officials were going to mention the benching to Rick Pitino, but they feared he’d table it.

Yeah, that’s something we’ve been looking into haha. Thanks!

Winter is a season. Checks out.

[inside delivery room]

damnit I should’ve read the comments first. You win

You Maniac!

Finally Oregon wins a meaningful Bol game.

Boo!! You’re a menace to society!!!!

you WHAT?!

I take him at his word. Bol don’t lie.

I don’t know how things are today, but when I played that game, the card texts and rules were beyond the ability of the average 7-years-old.

Shocker, I know.

This is nit a good idea.

A mood ring will do just fine.

“Additional information” eh? More like “Oh shit, everyone took this even worse than we thought, let’s pretend we’re the good guys again and make him eligible.”