Bigger Putz

“Looks like a step in the wrong direction if you ask me”

What a fucking clown - eat shit dickhead.

Pictured: truck expert

Oh hey, that’s neat.

I think you hit it on the head when you point out that a lot of teams are both bad and boring. My company has great seats for the Bears, and the last few years we could bear-ly (sorry) even give them away to customers who actually want to go. I mean, even if you get a free ticket, food and drink at the stadium is

I would pay up for a running, non-lifted, non-rusty Jeep Comanche. However, since that vehicle doesn’t exist, I’d take 2 out of 3 and pay a normal price.

This is what I was thinking as well - obviously a settlement is not a great look, but its also not an admission of guilt (but lets be real here, he did it). Either way, I am 1000% sure there was some sort of non-disclosure agreement that went with that.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

There are currently 46 people who have voted in this poll who are out of their fucking minds right now...

Overwatch League Hot Stove? Hell yeah, lets do this!

Better than any flavor though? I find that hard to believe...

I can’t even conceptualize what a plain goldfish would even taste like...

I am confident the Bulls will do everything in their power to try and tank, only to end up as an 8 seed in the playoffs.

I imagine a goalie mask is less than ideal for bank robberies:

Its almost as if this Trump guy is a moron...

You are a world-class (so NHL teams are in play here, if you choose) ice hockey goaltender. What’s on your mask, and why?

I rented a Sierra pick up from U-Haul expecting it to be a boat of a truck - turns out it was comfortable, drove like a car, and felt way smaller than it actually was. I have no reason to ever buy a pick-up truck, but if I ever do that GMC is going on top of my list.

I have a 2008, its a great car - super underrated.

I just spoke with the Bellevue Police - turns out the driver of this car had decent credit, and was doing something interesting right before this picture was taken. I think we can rule out the Journey...

I assume whoever brings a rental car will win, correct?