Bigger Putz

This is apparently not unusual for a Republican to hold a polling lead with military households (I mean, Trump is unusual, but lets set that aside for a second), and it doesn’t mean all that much in the grand scheme of things based on recent elections per the below:

Cardinals fans, amiright?

“When Kit Kats come to our freezer they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists...” 

My college roommate kept mini kit-kats in the freezer instead of mini peanut butter cups. He was a monster.

So when did your orgasm. When she said she’ll fuck the Jew out of you?

I don’t understand, how does an avatar pic of Bernie Sanders make this better?

+1 school bus incident

Is there anything more satisfying than getting on a packed subway train, ripping ass, and before anyone knows whats up start making disgusted faces and staring at the person next to you?

Generally speaking, you don’t want the list of pitchers used through 5 innings to sound like a law firm.

Is it? I assumed it was a lower-tier MAC team based on the jerseys.

He flew down to Florida on his own though if I’m reading that right. So he went Florida-Cleveland on the Brown’s dime, then back to Florida on his own... how did no one think ahead on this?

I kept waiting for that fish to shit that man out. I am disappoint.

Passing on a running 1969 Firebird Formula because it was kind of rusty but was in great condition mechanically.

Mmmmmm, racist dip-shit tweets with just a subtle hint of meth-face.

combating salty-ness...username checks out

Isn’t this kind of a pointless npvcp? I assume David Tracy already bought this.

“The Bears are no great foe (Pro Football Focushad their secondary as the second-worst in football)...”

Chik-Fil-A, Shakeshack, and In-N-Out are all egregiously overrated fast food emporiums.

Is that like a coached Lawyer thing that he did there? I feel like from depositions I’ve read sometimes the person being deposed will just say “No” or “I don’t know” to obvious questions in order to make the attorney asking the questions rephrase what they’re asking in order to make it super unambiguous when reading

Yeah, but does he stand for the national anthem?