So wise, that man.
So wise, that man.
Zac Efron has a dream that little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their number of Instagram Followers.
I somehow doubt MLK would care about any of this.
My mom saw this on her senior trip in high school because it was the only show appropriate for young Catholic ladies running in 1969.
I mean Dolly can do no wrong.
I wonder which producer of color this blind item is about? Seems he’s just like Clooney.
Yeah seriously. Let’s pick apart everything he says for not using exactly the right words and phrasing that we would have preferred. Let’s write 1500 words about how Clooney’s blanket support isn’t supportive enough...for reasons.
Man speaks in support of diversity and opportunity for people of color and women.
Yeeeessss! This is my FAVORITE recording of Hello, Dolly!
I hope this is your “random fact about me” that you whip out at parties and ice-breaker activities at work/school functions...
OMG, how darling is Carol Channing.
Ugh. Poor Sal.
I think your examples are rather off. Harewood did his stint on Homeland and is now back in the US doing Supergirl. Marianne Jean-Baptiste had a long running role on Without a Trace and is now on the American tv show Blindspot. All but one or two of Oyelowo’s roles in the last couple of years have been in American…
The government in Britain is more heavily involved in the media. The BBC, one of their major broadcasters, is publicly funded. The same just isn’t true in the US.
Great point. James Macavoy has spoken out about this.
There are a lot of different issues combined here. Diversity on UK TV is not just about race. It’s increasingly difficult for working class actors to become successful, which affects BAME actors disproportionately but is not limited to them. The rise of the Old Etonians and Harrovians (Hugh Laurie, Damian Lewis,…
There have been a lot of calls by black British actors bemoaning the lack of diversity, and they get all the press, all the publicity. But they make up just 3% of the UK population. What you never hear about is the 8% Asian (Indian subcontinent, not SE Asian) population of the UK. They never get a look in. They keep…